UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • corrprobasso.pdf.pdf

    Corrosion problems associated with space vehicles, in general, are discussed as contrasted to those problems experienced with structures in an earth atmosphere. Primary emphasis is placed on structural alloys in this discussion, although some corrosion failures experienced in various mechanical components are described. General corrosion prevention measures are indicated, and solutions to specific corrosion failures described. Major failures experienced have been attributed to stress corrosion cracking, rather than general or galvanic type corrosion. Most such failures have occurred with only five different materials: three aluminum alloys - 7075-T6, 7079-T6, and 2024-T6; and two precipitation hardening stainless steels - 17-7PH and AM 355. Corrective actions were different in each case, but involved either a complete change to another material, a change to a different temper of the same alloy, or a modification of the heat treatment and/or general processing techniques. General conclusions are that the types of failures described could be avoided by: a more suitable selection of alloys in the initial design, a realistic review of the environments that could be encountered in the service lifetime of the component, lowering stresses, improving process controls, and effecting better familiarization of design personnel with the with the overall stress corrosion problem in an effort to reduce human error.; Preprint 18e.; Materials for re-entry and spacecraft systems - spacecraft materials.; Materials Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 31 - April 4, 1968.
  • compflowcont.pdf.pdf

    Presented are the results of a study comparing four proposed control systems for the first stage flight of Saturn V launch vehicles. The primary basis of comparison is the effect on structural loads, using the bending moments at three stations as load indicators. Two of the systems sense only the vehicle attitude and attitude rate, while the other two systems also sense the lateral acceleration. A yaw plane wind response analysis, including rigid body translation, rigid body rotation, four bending modes, five slosh modes, and a non ideal control system, was performed. The winds used in the study were the Marshall synthetic profile and three selected Jimsphere-measured real wind profiles. Load relief obtained from the addition of accelerometer feedback in the control loop amounted to about 10 percent at maximum bending moment station. In view of predicted structural capabilities of the vehicle, this reduction in loads was not considered sufficient to offset the added complexity and the slight reduction in rigid body stability .
  • counlift_080607123539.pdf

    This is an article from the Boeing Magazine. The Archive copy is a very poor photocopy and is difficult to read.; About the time the S-IC-1 booster is lifting the first Apollo/Saturn V from the launch pad on its maiden unmanned flight next year, a Boeing systems test crew will begin static testing the S-IC-4 at Devils Swamp, Mississippi (MTF). Starting with S-IC-4, all Saturn V first stage boosters will be captive fired at MTF. At present, S-IC firings are conducted by MSFC's test laboratory at Huntsville. The first flight stage, the S-IC-1, was placed in the static test stand on 24 January 1966 and completed its test program 25 Feb. It was removed from the stand March 14 and is undergoing post-firing checkout. it is due to be shipped this summer to KSC where it will be mated to the two upper stages of Saturn V, the IU and Dummy Apollo payload. The S-IC-2 went into the static stand on March 22 and is being tested during April The S-IC-3 also will be tested at Huntsville in 1966. The job of putting the world's largest and most powerful rocket together will be accomplished in the world's largest building, the 52-story vehicle assembly building.
  • Contrforsatuuppe_120108134449.pdf

    Details contracts for upper stages of Saturn IV and Saturn V and includes illustrative appendixes. Archive copy is a photocopy.
  • Commonsa-5_120808164545.pdf

    A notation in the upper lefthand corner states "For the record: These are Dr. von Braun's comments to present to President Kennedy during his visit at Cape Canaveral, Fla., Nov. 16, 1963." A handwritten note is in the upper right corner. It appears that some of the pages to this document are missing.
  • diffconfigsucc_082107132136.pdf

    Includes memorandum for file. Configuration matrices reflecting present program status of differences in Saturn IB and Saturn V flight hardware on a mission to mission basis have been prepared. The attached matrices are arranged to show differences in major subsystems (Structures, Propulsion, Instrumentation and Range Safety, and Electrical) for each stage. The reason for the configuration difference and the mission effectivity are included.; DMD, 2031-SGE-eas, GRH; Includes "Recommendation for announcement and distribution of Bellcomm Report".
  • desconofgroddasinsat1BVESE_020108113351.pdf

    In the Saturn IB/V programs the sheer quantity of data required for computer processing and ESE display makes it necessary to provide an efficient data acquisition system. For much of the data originating in the launcher this requirement is satisfied by the Ground Digital Data Acquisition System (DDAS). This paper provides a technical description of the Ground DDAS with emphasis placed on the unique design concepts of this telemetry system.
  • Highenermissforsatur_091307144922.pdf

    Presented to Society of Automotive Engineers, Advanced Launch Vehicle & Propulsion Systems. When the Apollo lunar landing project is complete, the Saturn and Apollo hardware will only have begun to realize their ultimate potential for space exploration. The immense reserve of Apollo technology, facilities, and booster capability can then be directed to the achievement of national goals which lie far beyond the initial lunar landing. In achieving the Apollo lunar objectives, large investments will have been made in launch facilities, tracking systems, propulsion techniques, reentry systems, lunar landing systems and rendezvous technologies. Although developnent in these specialized areas has been tailored to the needs of Apollo, numerous studies by NASA and industry have demonstrated the feasibility of using the spacecraft, launch vehicles, and operating techniques for missions far more complex than lunar landings. Amortization of this hardware will prove cost-effective for missions of more sophisticated applications.
  • Heliutilapol_012609124942.pdf

    Helium is used extensively throughout the Apollo/Saturn V space vehicle for a number of applications. The welding use is not discussed since it is a special topic. In the first stage (S-IC), helium is used for liquid oxygen tank pressurization during vehicle checkout and launch.
  • Requforapprto_041309105346.pdf

    The purpose of this memorandum is to obtaln your approval to fly manned missions on the Saturn V launch vehicle beginning with Apollo-Saturn vehicle #503 currently scheduled for launch in December 1968.