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  • spc_stnv_000110.pdf

    This paper, presented at the fifth annual Reliability and Maintainability Conference in New York City, contains a "prime contractor's reliability program for components/parts for the Douglas S-IVB stage project." These parts include special flight critical items and their complementary reliability engineering program plan is outlined in this paper.
  • spc_nick_000404_000404.pdf

    Wilson writes to Bell to congratulate him on the Nickerson case and states that he has been "avidly reading the newspaper accounts of the Nickerson trial" but still believes that Bell did a "terrific" job defending Colonel Nickerson.
  • Saturnbaseheatingreview_022608110235.pdf

    The Saturn I booster which is powered by a cluster of eight rocket engines has been successfully flown on four successive flights. The early success of this large launch vehicle is a strong indication of the soundness of its base heating program. This paper summarizes the thinking that went into the design of our base configuration. Flight test results indicate that pressures, temperatures and heating rates were generally as expected. New techniques have been investigated for generating design data. It has been found experimentally that pressure and thermal fields establish themselves in one to three milliseconds and that data from the "short duration" technique compare favorably with "long duration" type tests. As a result, the new "short duration" technique has become the standard for generating design data for the Saturn vehicle.
  • Devesepaconnsatu_082007102245.pdf

    The purpose of this paper is to present information, in the area of separable connectors as they pertain to the Saturn S-IV Program.
  • loc_hutc_000133_000135.pdf

    Willmore writes that he had lived with grandmother Casey who left a will and mortgaged property to him. He states that he will "make it right with you" if Hutchens investigates and helps him get his estate left to him.
  • loc_burw_-59.pdf

    The document notes Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s personal information, date of admission, diagnoses, operations, and recommendations for assignment.
  • corrprobasso.pdf.pdf

    Corrosion problems associated with space vehicles, in general, are discussed as contrasted to those problems experienced with structures in an earth atmosphere. Primary emphasis is placed on structural alloys in this discussion, although some corrosion failures experienced in various mechanical components are described. General corrosion prevention measures are indicated, and solutions to specific corrosion failures described. Major failures experienced have been attributed to stress corrosion cracking, rather than general or galvanic type corrosion. Most such failures have occurred with only five different materials: three aluminum alloys - 7075-T6, 7079-T6, and 2024-T6; and two precipitation hardening stainless steels - 17-7PH and AM 355. Corrective actions were different in each case, but involved either a complete change to another material, a change to a different temper of the same alloy, or a modification of the heat treatment and/or general processing techniques. General conclusions are that the types of failures described could be avoided by: a more suitable selection of alloys in the initial design, a realistic review of the environments that could be encountered in the service lifetime of the component, lowering stresses, improving process controls, and effecting better familiarization of design personnel with the with the overall stress corrosion problem in an effort to reduce human error.; Preprint 18e.; Materials for re-entry and spacecraft systems - spacecraft materials.; Materials Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 31 - April 4, 1968.
  • Saturns2fac_012308130900.pdf

    Organizational chart for the Saturn II facilities.
  • IMG_7135.jpg

    This manuscript was created by John Goodman in 1846-7. The paper goes over the creation of potassium in a unique battery arrangement consisting of sulfuric acid, platinum, crude oil, potassium, and copper wire. The author finds that the battery is able to produce current but is unable to get rid of the batteries instability.
  • IMG_7134.jpg

    This manuscript was created by John Goodman in 1846-7. The paper goes over the creation of potassium in a unique battery arrangement consisting of sulfuric acid, platinum, crude oil, potassium, and copper wire. The author finds that the battery is able to produce current but is unable to get rid of the batteries instability.
  • IMG_7133.jpg

    This resource was created by William Robert Grove in 1845. The paper goes over the various experiments of variations of the gas battery that grove made in 1842. The paper finds that non-conducting metals can be used to create electricity.
  • IMG_7132.jpg

    This resource was created by William Robert Grove in 1845. The paper goes over the various experiments of variations of the gas battery that grove made in 1842. The paper finds that non-conducting metals can be used to create electricity.
  • IMG_7122.jpg

    This picture is the last page of the sixth letter to Michael Faraday from John Frederic Daniell. The first page goes over summarizes the content of the letter, asks further questions, and gives good tidings. The content being on the progress of applying ohm's law to the Daniell Cell or constant battery.
  • IMG_7121.jpg

    This picture is the first page of the sixth letter to Michael Faraday from John Frederic Daniell. The first page goes over greetings and summarizes the past letters contents and how that relates to what he will talk about now. The rest of the paper goes on to make progress of applying ohm's law to the Daniell Cell or constant battery.
  • IMG_7139.jpg

    This image is a picture of the Royal Society Offices. Inside they had the libraries/archives for the royal society. In this archive I looked through the old documents for my research. This research was for the 2024 Honors UAH London Study Abroad Class.
  • loc_gold_000205_000210.pdf

    The first documents are a correspondence between C. O. Reed and I. Schiffman & Co. regarding the payment of $147.51 for the "mortgages transferred to" I. Schiffman & Co.. The final letters are between Lawrence Goldsmith and Frank Williams regarding the payment of a blacksmith bill and a cow. Within all the letters is communication regarding the confusion surrounding the payment of Frank William's taxes. The middle letter is from A. S. [O'Fordges?] stating that he did in fact pay the taxes. Lawrence Goldsmith's final letter, however, notes that by March 13, the taxes still had not been paid. Handwritten note on the final letter reads: Written note: "Total-Taxes-1921: 33.60, Re Paid By Rison: 27.64, Paid-By-us & CHS to Frank a/c: 5.96"
  • loc_gold_000176_000204_000211_000221.pdf

    Various chattel mortgage contracts and paperwork, seed receipts, checks, payments, and debts pertaining to Frank Williams and the rented land he worked. These documents include multiple handwritten notes.
  • loc_gold_000168_000175.pdf

    Various documents detailing land rented by Frank Williams, payments owed, and rental information including the promissory note promises the payment of $600 to Nelson Acklin for land rented by Frank Williams with signatures of Nelson Acklin and [sic] Schiffman on the back, an inquiry from Laurence Goldsmith regarding the character of Frank Williams as a renter and the bank's business intentions with him, a handwritten note detailing the amounts owed by Frank Williams that were mentioned in the letter from Goldsmith, a response to Goldsmith's inquiry from J. G. Bennett, a note stating the transfer of the rent note to the landlord, I. Schiffman & Co., and the release of Albert Clay's crop, a letter from Frank Williams to Laurence Goldsmith requesting help as he cannot work the land himself due to his wife's illness, and a letter from I. Schiffman & Co. after the transfer of the rented land to the company.
  • loc_gold_000335_000336.pdf

    Victor White writes to Oscar Goldsmith apologizing for replying to his last letter over a month late. He informs Goldsmith that he is working in town and is hopeful to see him in New York.
  • loc_robf_000294_000301.pdf

    Nancy Whitaker acted as a witness for the defendant, Abner Tate. Nancy responds to questions about Alexander Jeffries, her father, and Elizabeth Routt. She expresses her belief that her father was poisoned by Routt though she was not present until the morning after he died. Nancy details the dark color of her father's body and how it was swollen and "unnatural" in appearance. She also includes the rumors she has heard regarding several charges brought against Routt. She concludes by stating that it is her opinion that Routt is guilty in the case of her father's death.
  • loc_robf_000283_000293.pdf

    The Whitakers were witnesses for the defendant, Abner Tate. Joseph Whitaker's deposition is first. He answers questions regarding Elizabeth Routt and her husbands, particularly the death of Alexander Jeffries. Joseph states that it is his opinion that Jeffries was poisoned. He also states that rumors have spread that she had ordered a slave to murder Abner Tate. Newton Whitaker's desposition is second. He also answers questions regarding Elizabeth Routt and her husbands, including the death of Alexander Jeffries. Newton states that he is also of the opinion that Jeffries was poisoned. Like Joseph, he also adds that she is said to have destroyed the lives of her husbands, stole cotton, and sought to harm Abner Tate.
  • masspaceeff_081707101855.pdf

    Presentation reviewing the complex engineering undertaken at NASA and the mathmatical problems that need to be solved regarding the space program.
  • SatuSIIstag.pdf

    This documents outlines the S & ID plan to fulfill the requirements of Contracts NAS7-80 and NAS7-200 for the design, development and manufacture of the Saturn S-II stage.; APPROVED by R E. Greer, Vice President and S-II Program Manager.; This reissue supersedes all previous issues of this report.; FOREWORD: The S-II stage is 81.5 feet in length and 33 feet in diameter, with a usable propellant capacity of 970,000 pounds, The S-II propellants are fully cryogenic-liquid oxygen at -279 F and liquid hydrogen at -423 F. Its five-engine cluster provides one million pounds of thrust. The stage is a cylindrical structure of relatively light weight with a shell designed to resist all loads without the use of stiffening members. Its skin is of welded aluminum panels, as are the elliptical bulkheads of the fuel and oxidizer tanks. Unique to its design is the common bulkhead that separates the -423 F liquid hydrogen from the -247 F liquid oxygen. The common bulkhead - a sandwich of two 33-foot diameter aluminum domes separated by an insulating filler of honeycomb - eliminates the weight penalty that would be imposed by the second bulkhead in more conventional design. This document describes the S & ID program plan for development of the S-II stage and associated a support equipment.
  • Letttoproflogsfrom92667_121008165048.pdf

    Letter to Professor Logsdon from E. C. Welcsh denying Logsdon's request to quote Wernher von Braun and President Kennedy from their memorandums.
  • Letttodrvonbrau62461_120808163906.pdf

    Letter to Wernher von Braun from E.C. Welsch thanking Braun for his letter on June 20th regarding his thoughts on communication and meteorological satilites.
  • Letttoproflogsfrom92667a_121108093206.pdf

    Correspondance between Professor Logsdon and Welsh regarding Logsdon quoting Wernher von Braun's memorandum.
  • loc_robf_000238_000238.pdf

    Wellborn writes to her uncle requesting information on the case of her "Pa", Abner Tate, who was arrested and tried for murder. She informs her uncle that there was a supposed detailed report in a Huntsville publication but couldn't get her hands on a copy. She concludes by writing of their temporary living arrangements just outside of Memphis, Tennessee.
  • spc_nick_000569_000570.pdf

    Webster writes saying he thinks Wilson does a good job running the nation's defense system and because of that, Webster asks Wilson to evaluate Nickerson's performance of duty and would feel "thoroughly disillusioned to see such a 1st class officer sacked."
  • spc_nick_000566_000568.pdf

    Webster sends three copies of the same letter to Congressman Frederic Coudert, Jr., Senator Irving M. Ives, and Secretary of the Army Wilber M. Brucker, asking them to take "an immediate active interest in the pending army court martial" of Colonel John C. Nickerson. He testifies to Nickerson's character and his value to the national defense system.
  • spc_nick_000380_000380.pdf

    Webster writes to wish Bell and Nickerson good luck in the case and send copies of letters that may have information useful to the defense of Nickerson.
  • Respanynews_121907141751.pdf

    Letter to answer any incoming questions from the media regarding the MSFC-II stage and any briefed on Seal Beach.
  • satIBVinsuni_071707142445.pdf

    This brochure provides some basic, general information about the lnstrument Unit, a very important part of the Saturn IB and Saturn V launch vehicles. These launch vehicles are being developed primarily for the Apollo program for manned lunar exploration but will also be used for future space missions.
  • coninqreg S-II-T_021308134816.pdf

    Archive copy is a photocopy.; Includes memorandum and information from George E. Mueller, Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight. Letter contains handwritten editing and notes.
  • spc_stnv_000060.pdf

    This address was given by James E. Webb, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, at the Inventors' Congress and Space Symposium, Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • Letttodrjerob_120108120226.pdf

    Letter to Jerome B. Wiesner from Jones B. Webb regarding requested documents as well as how they, as scientists, interact with the scientific community.
  • Memofordremme_120208111721.pdf

    Memorandum regarding a potential meeting between James E. Webb and Professor Lagadon.
  • scieandtechkeystoeconprog_031907084030.pdf

    A book written with the key focus being how technology and science and its progress can aid in the growth of the economy.
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