UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

"Saturn S-II stage program plan."


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"Saturn S-II stage program plan."


This documents outlines the S & ID plan to fulfill the requirements of Contracts NAS7-80 and NAS7-200 for the design, development and manufacture of the Saturn S-II stage.; APPROVED by R E. Greer, Vice President and S-II Program Manager.; This reissue supersedes all previous issues of this report.; FOREWORD: The S-II stage is 81.5 feet in length and 33 feet in diameter, with a usable propellant capacity of 970,000 pounds, The S-II propellants are fully cryogenic-liquid oxygen at -279 F and liquid hydrogen at -423 F. Its five-engine cluster provides one million pounds of thrust. The stage is a cylindrical structure of relatively light weight with a shell designed to resist all loads without the use of stiffening members. Its skin is of welded aluminum panels, as are the elliptical bulkheads of the fuel and oxidizer tanks. Unique to its design is the common bulkhead that separates the -423 F liquid hydrogen from the -247 F liquid oxygen. The common bulkhead - a sandwich of two 33-foot diameter aluminum domes separated by an insulating filler of honeycomb - eliminates the weight penalty that would be imposed by the second bulkhead in more conventional design. This document describes the S & ID program plan for development of the S-II stage and associated a support equipment.



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Saturn V Collection
Box 17, Folder 5
University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives, Huntsville, Alabama



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Is Referenced By



Welsh, R. M. and North American Aviation, Inc., “"Saturn S-II stage program plan.",” UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives, accessed March 4, 2025,

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