UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Oral History Interview With Robert McBrayer


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Oral History Interview With Robert McBrayer


After Robert McBrayer graduated college, he reported to the Johnson Space Center in March of 1963. He was there assigned to a section called "Biodynamics" and in that section, they worked on Human tolerances to impact sustaining acceleration and acoustics. Robert was assigned to the acoustics group, and his first job was to design and develop a machine to produce low-frequency pure tones to test humans. He also designed and developed a test chamber for testing humans, and he participated in doing the actual human test with the machines that he helped build. He helped document the results as well. After his venture in doing basic research, he went into an area called "crew's survival equipment design and development," and he was assigned pieces of equipment that were his to design, update, and help build. In 1966, Robert asked to be transferred from the Johnson Space Center to the Marshall Space Flight Center, and he then moved to Huntsville, AL. Robert was immediately put on the Orbital Workshop where they were writing task analysis, and procedures for crew station reviews. They did two of those, on in 1967 and the other in 1968. From the Orbital Workshop, he was responsible for all the crew interfaces on adapter, etc.



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Oral History Collection
University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives and Special Collections



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McBrayer, Robert and Louis, Charles M., “Oral History Interview With Robert McBrayer,” UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives, accessed March 13, 2025,

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