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Space Journal, vol. 1, no. 1., Summer 1957.
This issue of Space Journal includes articles written by Fred L. Whipple, Hermann Oberth, and Ernst Stuhlinger, as well as a foreword by Wernher von Braun. The issue also includes drawings for an observatory to be built at the top of Monte Sano Mountain in Huntsville, Alabama. Produced by the Rocket City Astronomical Association (now known as the Von Braun Astronomical Society), Space Journal was published in Huntsville from 1957 to 1959. This digitized copy was generously provided by Jeff Bennett at the Von Braun Astronomical Society (VBAS). -
Tiere der Urwelt: in 30 Kunstblättern nach wissenschaftliche Material bearbeitet.
This set of illustrated cards includes thirty color prints of various animals of the prehistoric world. The Theodor Reichardt Cocoa Company produced five different series of these cards in the early twentieth century. While the cover indicates that this volume contains cards from series 1a, it also includes cards from series 1 and series 2a. Many of the pages show notes made in ink by science writer Willy Ley, the book's original owner. -
Space Journal, vol. 1, no. 4, Fall 1958.
This issue discusses at length the competition in science, technology, and engineering between the United States and the Soviet Union, including comparisons of developments in missiles, satellites, and educational systems. This issue also includes plans for a village on the Moon. Includes the subscription card inserted in the center of the issue. -
Space Journal, vol. 1, no. 5, March-May 1959.
This issue includes a statement announcing Space Journal's termination of all connections with the U.S. military and with the Rocket City Astronomical Association. At the time, commander of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) at Redstone Arsenal Gen. John B. Medaris was concerned that the publishers and writers, all in the employ of ABMA, were using their government positions for personal gain through the magazine. Topics covered in the issue include the dangers and feasibility of space travel, designing buildings for life on the Moon, and the existence of life elsewhere in the universe. -
Space Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, December 1959.
In this issue, articles focus heavily on the exploration of space and the particulars of human activities in space, including "the space man's food," research on how weightlessness affects the human body, and the lack of laws governing space. Also included is a profile of Roy Marquardt, "the ramjet man" and founder of Marquardt Aircraft Company. This is the final published issue of Space Journal. -
1927 Joe Bradley School Bradleyean.
The Joe Bradley School served children who lived in the Merrimack Mill village in Huntsville, Alabama. The yearbook includes photos of the mill and its officers. -
"14 Employees Graduated With First UAH Class."
Clipping from the Marshall Star, May 29, 1968, vol. 8, no. 36.