Front: The Most Modern Hotel in the Tennessee Valley. Hotel Russel Erskine, Huntsville, ALA. Back: HOTEL RUSSEL ERSKINE, HUNTSVILLE. ALA. 150 Rooms, each with Bath, Circulating Ice Water, Electric Fan and Radio, Fireproof Garage connecting with Lobby, Air Conditioned Coffee Shop.
Back: MOTEL MAKADA, Memorial Parkway on U. S. Highway 72, 231 & 431 North, Huntsville, Alabama, Phone 536-0701 New, Modern, Air-Conditioned, Electric Heat, Television, Tile Baths, Wall-to-Wall Carpet - Restaurant across street - Reasonable Rates.
Back: MOTHER NATURE vs. MANKIND, Nature Trail near Huntsville, Ala. This picture mode possible by some careless camper or stupid smoker. Firefighting equipment could not reach the action, but volunteers kept destruction minimised until an unpredicted downpour ended a dry spell, and saved hundreds of acres of beautiful woodland.