John Rison Jones of Huntsville, Alabama served with the Timberwolves. This pamphlet includes a combat history and photographs of the 104th Infantry Division during World War II. The inside front cover notes, "Passed by censor for mailing home."
Home movies of the Burwell family as they settled into their new home in Huntsville. There is some vacation footage but the majority of the film is of mid-century Huntsville and Chattanooga.
Beach scenes [11:55]
Cattle and rural scenes [09:57]
Chores [08:02]
Clay shooting [09:13]
Dog [00:01, 4:38, 7:46, 18:01, 20:01, 20:51]
Fly [21:33]
Homes [02:28, 03:10]
Snow [03:52, 06:46]
Lookout Mountain Hotel [09:07]
Home movies that primarily depict a Christmas scene and an extended cruise around the Caribbean.
Christmas [00:02]
Royal Caribbean Resort in Labadie, Haiti [05:03]
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic [08:16]
Miami [09:44]