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Alabama Space and Rocket Center
The AIabama Space and Rocket Center contains the world's largest collection of missiles, rockets, and space vehicles. A full scale Apollo Saturn V moon rocket it exhibited in a horizontal position and it one of the featured attractions on the 35-acre complex. The exhibition Center it owned and operated by the State of Alabama and is opened every day. Located west of downtown Huntsville on Alabama Highway 20. -
Space Orientation Center
Back: SPACE ORIENTATION CENTER, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama
Unique, historically significant exhibits vividly portray the development of rocketry and space travel in the free-world missile production center. -
Missile Strategy Computer
Back: Missile Strategy Computer is one of the many audience participation exhibits at the Alabama Space and Rocket Center. Visitors may match their skills with this highly animated exhibit highlighting the various applications of missile defense systems. The Alabama Space and Rocket Center, America's largest missile and space exhibit is located west of Huntsville, Alabama on Highway 20. -
Guided Missile Test Tower with Redstone Missile
This is the largest static firing test stand for rocket motors in the U. S., and possibly in the world. The huge Army facility, costing $12,000,000. towers 145 feet high-as tall as a 15-story building, and is built of reinforced concrete, with walls 48 inches thick. Static testing of a missile consists in locking the missile into place on the stand and firing it. The missile does not "take off", but as it strains against the mighty grip of the great tower its roaring engine can be studied for performance characteristics as it it were actually in flight. -
Mississippi Test Facility
This 200-foot-tall rocket test tower is one of three units and this particular stand is for static firing the S-ll (second stage) of the giant Saturn V. MTF is a division of the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. -
"The State Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes"
Front: The State Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes, Huntsville, Ala. -
Carnegie Library at Alabama A & M College
Back: ALABAMA A&M COLLEGE, Normal, Alabama
Carnegie Library is a two-story brick structure of colonial design. It has a capacity of 50,000 volumes and seating space for 236. The building contains two reading rooms, a reference room, a seminar room, reference and general stacks, and an office for the staff of the library. -
Green Bottom Inn
Front: Historic Huntsville
Back: Historic Huntsville, Alabama. ALABAMA A & M COLLEGE.
GREEN BOTTOM INN, one of Huntsville's earliest hostelries, was located on Meridian Pike on site now occupied by Alabama A & M. Built in 1815 by John Connelly, the inn attained widespread fame for its adjoining race track, over which many of the outstanding race horses of the period competed. Gen. Andrew Jackson, an avid follower of the sport, often stopped here to race his horses and fight his cocks. For many years the table where he dined was preserved. -
Alabama A & M College
Back: ALABAMA A & M COLLEGE, Normal, Alabama
A partial view of the campus in the Fall. Organized in 1875 as the Huntsville Normal and Industrial School by William Hooper Councill, with 2 teachers and 61 pupils, it is now nationally recognized. -
ALABAMA A & M Science Building
Front: Alabama A & M
Back: ALABAMA A & M, Normal, Alabama
Science Building in foreground - also showing Bibb Graves Hall, Student Center, Library, Cafeteria and Women's Dormitory.