UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • img_00845.pdf

    Back: MOTHER NATURE vs. MANKIND, Nature Trail near Huntsville, Ala.
    This picture mode possible by some careless camper or stupid smoker.
    Firefighting equipment could not reach the action, but volunteers kept destruction minimised until an unpredicted downpour ended a dry spell, and saved hundreds of acres of beautiful woodland.
  • img_00855.pdf

    Front: Bon-Air Motel, U. S. 231, Huntsville, Alabama
    Back: BON-AIR MOTEL, Electric Heat - Air-Conditioned - Tile Showers - Beauty Rest Mattresses - Excellent Air Conditioned Restaurant near by. MR. & MRS. R. E. HICKS, Owners and Managers. U.S. Highway 231 inside City Limits. North Huntsville, Alabama. Phone 2706.
  • img_00857.pdf

    Front: Bon-Air Motel, U. S. 231, Huntsville, Alabama
    Back: BON-AIR MOTEL, Electric Heat - Air-Conditioned - Tile Showers - Beauty Rest Mattresses - Excellent Air Conditioned Restaurant near by. MR. & MRS. R. E. HICKS, Owners and Managers. U.S. Highway 231 inside City Limits. North Huntsville, Alabama. Phone 2706.
  • img_00859.pdf

    Back: U-Tel-It Restaurant
    U S Highway 231 - 431 North two blocks from Uptown. HUNTSVILLE. ALABAMA, Phones 9196 - 2706
    Air Conditioned - Serves Regular Dinners - Short Orders - Steaks - Sandwiches - All kinds Homemade Pies. Excellent Air Conditioned Bon-Air Motel in connection. Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Hicks, Owners & Managers.
  • img_00863.pdf

    Back: Space Capitol Motel, 4809 Governors Drive, W., Huntsville. Alabama 35805.
    Swimming Pool - Television - Conference Suite - Restaurant - Self Dial Phones - Free Limousine Service to and from Airport.
    Call 205 - 837-1670 Collect for Reservations. On the Jetport Highway - Routes Alt. 72 and Ala. 20
  • img_00865.pdf

    Back: HOSPITALITY HOUSE DINING ROOM, Adjoining. Monte Plaza Motel, City Route 231, South, Huntsville, Ala.
    An atmosphere of Hospitality from the old south, combined with only highest quality foods prepared with the greatest care to accent natural flavors. So delightfully different!
  • img_00867.pdf

    Front: Redstone Motel
    Back: REDSTONE MOTEL, Highway 231 South, Huntsville, Alabama, Air-Conditioned - Electric Heat, "The Utmost in Comfort", Phone JEfferson 4-6854.
  • img_00869.pdf

    Back: BARCLAY MOTEL, 2201 N. Memorial Parkway, Huntsville, Alabama 35810
    75 units - Color TV - Muzak - Pool - Kitchenettes - Whirlpool and steam bath in Executive suites - Phones in all units - Ample parking adjacent to your individual accommodations. Phone 205/536-7441.
  • img_00871.pdf

    Back: BON-AIR MOTEL, Electric Heat - Air-Conditioned - Tile Bath, Tub & Shower - Beautyrest Mattresses - Telephone - Television - Wall to Wall Carpet. Excellent Air-Conditioned Restaurant in connection. Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Hicks, Owners & Managers. U. S. Highway 231, 431, Green Route - Nearest to town, North of Huntsville, Alabama.
    Motel Phone Jefferson 6-3382, Restaurant Phone Jefferson 6-7641
  • img_00873.pdf

    Back: BON-AIR MOTEL, Electric Heat - Air-Conditioned - Tile Showers - Beautyrest Mattresses - Excellent Air-Conditioned Restaurant in connection.
    Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Hicks, Owners & Managers. U. S. Highway 231, inside City limits - Nearest to town, North of Huntsville, Alabama.
    Phone: Jefferson 2-5562