UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (970 total)

  • Forefutumilimiss.pdf

    Archive copy is a poor photocopy.; Article is from Defense Industry Bulletin, October 1959, pages 21 to 24.
  • spc_stnv_000036.pdf

    Presented by Charles A. MacGregor, Supervisor, Advanced Turbomachinery during Workshop D, Royce Hall, Room 160 at UCLA on 2 June 1964, as a part of the NASA-UCLA Symposium and Workshop on the Transformation of Knowledge and Its Utilization. The introduction notes, "This report is divided into two general parts. The first part is a description of turbopumps for liquid rocket engines as they exist today. For completeness and understanding, some background information is included on why turbopumps have evolved to their present configurations. The second part suggest portions of this effort that may have some applicability to the general economy."
  • Docurepo_100107112915.pdf

    This brochure describes, for the benefit of documentation users, the services and materials that are available from the Documentation Repository. The present operations of the Repository are illustrated to provide a comprehensive picture of work flow, time scheduling and product output.
  • Toolandengibran_051410112851.pdf

    Report list detailing the state of manufacturing plans as either "Rough" or "Final" drafts.
  • satv1750lbthrustull_070507134742.pdf

    Report detailing the progress and status of the RDT-12 engines under construction.
  • Confmana_071907091418.pdf

    Configuration management: Definition, requirements, organization, policy and procedure documents, contractual documents.
  • humafactatmsky1.pdf.pdf

    Statement of work: Man/Machine activities -ATM; ATM problem areas; EVA commuting problem; Other EVA considerations; Analysis of crew considerations Mission 211/212; Mission objectives Crew Considerations; Mission Fight Profile & Operations Crew Considerations; Experiment operations crew considerations; EVA equipment requirements; Crew considerations carrier recommendations; Conclusions and recommendations crew considerations; Crew operations requirements preliminary 10 August 1996; ATM stabilization and control; ATM Carrier habitability and profile; Other ATM man/machine considerations.; Original is a poor photocopy.; Document has no page numbering.
  • 001.pdf

    The "Skylab" in the title was a later addition. This is a summary of the human factor aspects of the Apollo Applications space habitat.
  • SatVgrow_091009102634.pdf

    This paper summarizes work conducted under a recent NASA study contract and Boeing studies on improved Saturn V vehicles and intermediate payload Saturn vehicles. The contractual study was a part of a continuing effort by NASA to identify a spectrum of practical launch vehicles to meet potential future payload and mission requirements as they become defined.; UAHuntsville's Saturn V finding aid has the title as: Saturn V Growth and Flexibility, by J.E. Martin.; Preferred Citation: [Identification of item] Saturn V Collection, Dept. of Archives/Special Collections, M. Louis Salmon Library, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL.
  • satsivcryoweighsyst-II_072007103745.pdf

    Two basic methods for mass determination are: (1) direct measurement, (2) volume and density determination. Both methods or variations have been used to determine space vehicle propellant mass with varying degrees of success. Stringent propellant loading accuracy requirements of k0.5 percent for the Saturn S-IV Stage have led to the development of a Cryogenic Calibration Weigh System. The method employs accurate electronic force transducers and measuring systems as the standard and experimental weighings have verified achievement of better than the required accuracy.
  • Procprogmarsspac_011509113157.pdf

    "Speech presented by Col. John R. McCombs regarding administrative conduct and how they should handle contracts.
  • propdeveprobassowithlargliqurock_040207114707.pdf

    NASA technical memorandum, Propulsion and Mechanism Branch. Propulsion and Vehicle Engineering Division, Research and Development Operations.
  • nextstopthemoon_030209161111.pdf

    Release describing the launch of the Apollo 11.
  • Moonbounphot_040709153207.pdf

    Press release describing a photograph of a lunar module.
  • Mcdodougsivb_092910153345.pdf

    Press release detailing how a rocket is the top stage of both the Saturn IB and Saturn V launch vehicles.
  • Liqurockprop.pdf

    Material-propellant compatibility as related to liquid rocket propulsion system design criteria is discussed and applicable test methods to derive usable design data are presented. Test methods, with emphasis on metallic materials, are discussed and the shortcomings of a number of these test methods are pointed out. These tests include static immersion tests, stress-corrosion tests, flow tests, impact tests, and tests to determine the effect of cracks and notches in metals on compatibility. A general outline for the evaluation of metallic and nonmetallic materials with respect to propellant compatibility is presented.
  • xraytelinsofaerwel_060707140201.pdf

    A sensitive new television X-ray image enlargement system has been developed under sponsorship of Watertown Arsenal Laboratories (Army Materials Research Agency) by the Department of Welding Engineering of The Ohio State University. Now commercially-available through Philips Electronics Instruments (Norelco), complete systems have been in service since January 1963 in aerospace, electronic, and other facilities. Such users report highly- satisfactory performance and unusual reliability in service. The new X-ray system permits in-motion or stationary examination of critical aerospace materials, components, and systems such as sheet materials, weldments, brazed joints, electronic components, printed circuit assemblies, small mechanisms, and biological specimens.
  • Theroleofsimuinthedeveofanautochecsyst_110507111856.pdf

    For publication in Luftfahrttechnik Raumfahrttechnik. Discusses the uses and advantages to using simulations.
  • sigdistautocheck_071807104428.pdf

    This paper deals with several selected aspects of the signal distribution in automatic checkout systems. These are: 1) The use of relay matrices as control elements; 2) The inclusion of self-checking capabilities; 3) Problems of systems integration. These aspects are not unique to automatic checkout systems. However, due to the nature of automatic checkout systems as presently being designed around digital circuitry, they find either fuller or different applications than in other types of systems. Also, while they are on the surface somewhat disconnected in nature, they tend to interrelate during the implementation of an automatic checkout system.
  • manmachandautotestoper_061807141628.pdf

    Essay detailing the relationship between men and machines."
  • Lettfrmwmet_011508085357.pdf

    Letter stating that "A review of the research origins of the Lance weapon system - Project Hindsight -Task 1 supplement" is inside as requested.
  • spc_stnv_000148.pdf

    Pages 1 and 2 appear to have been cut out of the document. Page 14 is only half a page. Page 40 is repeated but each page has different information.
  • spc_stnv_000111.pdf

    This paper presents a "realistic model of atmospheric properties based on reliable observations and current theories" according to the abstract found on page xv. This 1956 ARDC model was meant to be used as the "basis for engineering and design work performed."
  • Theoliqupropperf1.pdf

    Archive copy is a photocopy.; The purpose of these writings is to compile in one volume the basic elements of thermodynamics and gas dynamics which are useful in the evaluation of thrust chamber performance. It is presumed that the reader will have had an elementary course in thermodynamics and gas dynamics. The discussion of topics useful in evaluating thrust chamber performance is, of necessity, limited to these physical effects amenable to other areas that are as yet in the research stage of development. The author would like to take this opportunity to express his gratitude to Mr. G. S. Gill for many stimulating discussions on this subject. Thanks are due to Mr. D. J. Kuyper for permission to utilize his discussion on elastic-plastic strain and its application to nozzle throat area change. Finally, the author wishes to express his gratitude to his wife, Alice, who typed the bulk of the manuscript.
  • comsysbladurreeoflarveh_031808114618.pdf

    This paper was published in the Proceedings of the IEEE, volume 55, number 5, May 1967.; ABSTRACT: Much of the theoretical research on reentry blackout is in a format difficult for the communications design engineer to use in his system analysis. This paper derives simplified equations for the average sheath power loss that may be added (in dB) to the usual space loss to obtain an approximate total propagation loss. The plasma and sheath properties are discussed in detail but largely without supporting mathematics, in order to give the design engineer a better understanding of the overall problem. For the same reason and to provide insight into the final results, the average radiated power is found, using both intuitive and rigorous techniques. Several graphs of plasma properties are included in the development as an aid to numerical computation, and results are compared with the work of other authors.
  • spc_stnv_000050.pdf

    Paper by J. W. Moore and J. R. Mitchell, Quality & Reliability Assurance Laboratory, Marshall Space Flight Center, and H. H. Trauboth, Computation Laboratory, Marshall Space Flight Center. The paper summary notes, "The advancement of the space age into increasingly complex and ambitious missions requiring the development and operation of more sophisticated and intricate launch vehicles has generated numerous problem areas. The purpose of this paper is to define the Aerospace Vehicle Simulation; discuss the relationship of this simulation to the major problem areas of checkout; describe the development and implementation of this simulation system; indicate multidiscipline applications to present and future programs."
  • Contrforsatuuppe_120108134449.pdf

    Details contracts for upper stages of Saturn IV and Saturn V and includes illustrative appendixes. Archive copy is a photocopy.
  • digsim.pdf.pdf

    The rapid development of computer technology and the creation of new engineering oriented languages has established that general purpose digital computers are now extremely suitable to perform simulation of large scale physical systems. With Aerospace Vehicle Simulation (AVS), an effort has been undertaken at MSFC to simulate continuous and discrete dynamics of an aerospace vehicle and its ground support equipment on a large digital computer. This simulation produces a copy of the physical vehicle configuration and its functions in the form of a large scale mathematical model in the computer. AVS will be an essential part of an integrated information system which can be used by several laboratories and offices at MSFC for the design, checkout, test, and management of aerospace vehicles.
  • satuascephasguidandconttech_040407110521.pdf

    Lunar Missions Meeting, July 17-19, 1962. Focuses on the guidence concept under development at the Marshall Space Flight Center
  • desdevfabric_071107111534.pdf

    For presentation to the Society of Automotive Engineers, 16 September 1964, Boston, Massachusetts. ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the design, development and fabrication of a prototype hydraulic transformer, Hydro-Aire Model No. 05-055, performed in fulfillment of the requirements of Contract No. NAS 8-5264 for NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. The Hydraulic Transformer described is designed to pump hydraulic oil at a flow of 100 GPM with a pressure rise of 4000 psi, and does this work by utilizing as a power source the flow of RP-1 rocket fuel at a pressure of 1900 psig. The Hydraulic Transformer built to handle this combination of flows and pressures, unprecedented in such devices, has a weight of only 70 pounds for the first development model. The development of this unit is discussed and future development improvements are mentioned.
  • tooforaerapp_060707142010.pdf

    Presented to the American Ordnance Association. A presentation on Saturn S-IC Tooling in order to demonstrate the trend towards larger tooling support. Focuses on the tank-structures primarily.
  • Satulaunvehifami_091707161639.pdf

    Presentation focusing on the history of Saturn V's engineering history and crew.
  • Satulunavehi_091707160212.pdf

    Aerospace Workshop, University of Hawaii.; Includes references to slides.
  • Techprobsatuclasvehi_091707160424.pdf

    Aerospace Workshop. University of Hawaii.; Includes references to slides.
  • Proplect_091907133304.pdf

    Lecture discussing the types of propellant used in space rockets.
  • Mannspachlunaexpl_101507093657.pdf

    Paper includes references to figures and NASA's fundamental goals and principles.
  • SatuApolContChan_073108090529.pdf

    Correspondence letter detailing Mueller's concerns regarding potential issues in the design of the Saturn stages.
  • spc_stnv_000064.pdf

    Written by NASA Office of Manned Space Flight Associate Administrator George E. Mueller, this is an article from G. E. Challenge, Fall 1966, page 26 to 32.
  • StateofGeoreII_060210144718.pdf
  • StatofGeorEil.pdf

    Volume I - Text. A statement given by George E. Mueller to the Committee of Aeronautical and Space Sciences.
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