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Transcript of Irmgard Stuhlinger School Essays, 1934-1935
Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In these school essays, she discusses her daily life in Stuttgart, Germany, as a child. When writing these essays she was 9-10 years old. Topics of the essays include family life, a fictional moral story, descriptions of the weather, as well as significant historic events such as the Saarabstimmung (1935 Saar status referendum). Furthermore, she mentions Adolf Hitler (German chancellor) and the Sturmabteilung (Paramilitary organization run by Nazi Germany) in these essays. The transcript includes a description of each illustration. -
Irmgard Stuhlinger School Essays, 1934-1935
Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In these school essays, she discusses her daily life in Stuttgart, Germany, as a child. When writing these essays she was 9-10 years old. Topics of the essays include family life, a fictional moral story, descriptions of the weather, as well as significant historic events such as the Saarabstimmung (1935 Saar status referendum). Furthermore, she mentions Adolf Hitler (German chancellor) and the Sturmabteilung (Paramilitary organization run by Nazi Germany) in these essays. In this collection, she includes an illustration with each essay. -
Transcript of Irmgard Stuhlinger School Essays, from No. 15
Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In these school essays, she discusses her daily life in Stuttgart, Germany, as a child. When writing these essays she was 8-9 years old. Some of the topics include letters to family members, a fictional story, Christmas, descriptions of the weather, and talking about field trips. -
Irmgard Stuhlinger School Essays, from No. 15
Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In these school essays, she discusses her daily life in Stuttgart, Germany, as a child. When writing these essays she was 8-9 years old. Some of the topics include letters to family members, a fictional story, Christmas, descriptions of the weather, and talking about field trips. -
Transcript of Irmgard Stuhlinger School Essays, No. 1 to No. 13
Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In these school essays, she discusses her daily life in Stuttgart, Germany, as a child. When writing these essays she was 8 years old. Some of the topics include a letter to family members, Christmas, descriptions of the weather, and talking about field trips. -
Irmgard Stuhlinger School Essays, No. 1 to No. 13
Irmgard Stuhlinger was the wife of Ernst Stuhlinger, a scientist acquired in Operation Paperclip. In these school essays, she discusses her daily life in Stuttgart, Germany, as a child. When writing these essays she was 8 years old. Some of the topics include a letter to family members, Christmas, descriptions of the weather, and talking about field trips. -
"Master plan for documentation management and use."
The objective of this study is to describe a comprehensive plan for the development and full utilization of methods and means to be employed in the years prior to 1976 for the effective acquisition, collection, storage, retrieval, distribution, and use of engineering documentation. Because of the violently changing state of the art of data acquisition, storage, and retrieval the description of the plan does not embrace the details of a total decade of phased change. Rather it describes actions that can and should be taken in the relatively near future, and proposes a continuing series of later studies to keep this plan current for the full decade. -
"Corrosion problems associated with the Saturn space vehicles."
Corrosion problems associated with space vehicles, in general, are discussed as contrasted to those problems experienced with structures in an earth atmosphere. Primary emphasis is placed on structural alloys in this discussion, although some corrosion failures experienced in various mechanical components are described. General corrosion prevention measures are indicated, and solutions to specific corrosion failures described. Major failures experienced have been attributed to stress corrosion cracking, rather than general or galvanic type corrosion. Most such failures have occurred with only five different materials: three aluminum alloys - 7075-T6, 7079-T6, and 2024-T6; and two precipitation hardening stainless steels - 17-7PH and AM 355. Corrective actions were different in each case, but involved either a complete change to another material, a change to a different temper of the same alloy, or a modification of the heat treatment and/or general processing techniques. General conclusions are that the types of failures described could be avoided by: a more suitable selection of alloys in the initial design, a realistic review of the environments that could be encountered in the service lifetime of the component, lowering stresses, improving process controls, and effecting better familiarization of design personnel with the with the overall stress corrosion problem in an effort to reduce human error.; Preprint 18e.; Materials for re-entry and spacecraft systems - spacecraft materials.; Materials Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 31 - April 4, 1968. -
"A comparison of four control systems proposed for Saturn V launch vehicles."
Presented are the results of a study comparing four proposed control systems for the first stage flight of Saturn V launch vehicles. The primary basis of comparison is the effect on structural loads, using the bending moments at three stations as load indicators. Two of the systems sense only the vehicle attitude and attitude rate, while the other two systems also sense the lateral acceleration. A yaw plane wind response analysis, including rigid body translation, rigid body rotation, four bending modes, five slosh modes, and a non ideal control system, was performed. The winds used in the study were the Marshall synthetic profile and three selected Jimsphere-measured real wind profiles. Load relief obtained from the addition of accelerometer feedback in the control loop amounted to about 10 percent at maximum bending moment station. In view of predicted structural capabilities of the vehicle, this reduction in loads was not considered sufficient to offset the added complexity and the slight reduction in rigid body stability . -
"The development of the Saturn system safety program."
This paper describes the major highlights or milestones passed in the development of a System Safety Program at MSFC since early 1967. it discusses accomplishments, problems resolved, and decisions made for Apollo Saturn vehicles AS-501 and AS-502, and projects that are to be accomplished on future Saturn vehicles. -
"Decision Procedure for Minimizing Costs of Calibrating Liquid Rocket Engines."
Prior to acceptance of a liquid rocket engine for use in Saturn vehicles, the average thrust of two consecutive tests without an intervening calibration must satisfy specification requirements. The contractor may recalibrate after the first and subsequent tests if he so chooses, based upon decision limits, until the above requirement is met. -
"Dynamic Problems in Launch Vehicles and Spacecraft."
Addresses improving spacecraft safety by resolving various known dynamic problems. -
"Digital Simulation of an Aerospace Vehicle."
The rapid development of computer technology and the creation of new engineering oriented languages has established that general purpose digital computers are now extremely suitable to perform simulation of large scale physical systems. With Aerospace Vehicle Simulation (AVS), an effort has been undertaken at MSFC to simulate continuous and discrete dynamics of an aerospace vehicle and its ground support equipment on a large digital computer. This simulation produces a copy of the physical vehicle configuration and its functions in the form of a large scale mathematical model in the computer. AVS will be an essential part of an integrated information system which can be used by several laboratories and offices at MSFC for the design, checkout, test, and management of aerospace vehicles. -
"Communication from the President of the United States transmitting the report of the President's Materials Policy Commission, June 1952."
Includes bibliographical references.; Original format: paperback book (42 pages); Cover title: Resources for freedom : the outlook of energy resources, volume III. Contains plans and analyses of potential future energy sources. -
"The instrumentation of space vehicle in connection with the successful Saturn flight tests."
Presented on September 21, 1962, at the Eleventh Tagung Der Deutchen Raketen - Gesellschaft, Koblenz, West Germany. Instrumentation sf the Saturn space vehicle represents a considerable effort during the development phase, for proper design evaluatian of this new configuration, its propulsion system, and its structure and control characteristics, an unprecedented number of measurements are required to be carried onboard and to be recovered, These measurements are expected to work properly and to furnish the design engineer with information that is not available by ground testing, -
"The impact of manufacturing on design as related to accessibility."
The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the need for accessibility in the assembly and maintenance of spacecraft. This is especially pertinent because accessibility to subsystems for replacement, repair, and maintenance has proven to be one of the more costly phases of preflight preparation. The most successful programs in this day and age have been when the design and manufacturing engineers work side by side around a mockup where solutions to the problems can be visually seen and solved, keeping in mind the assembly as related to accessibility. Therefore, it will be shown that in order to overcome the difficulties, designers should adapt a hard, fast ground rule that each unit must be accessible and individually removable without disturbing the other units.; Aeronautic and Space Engineering and Manufacturing Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif. Oct. 7 - 11, 1968. -
"Master plan for documentation management and use."
Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. Accepted by V.C. Sorensen, Chief, Management Services Office. Management Services Project, RCA; SUMMARY: The objective of this study is to describe a comprehensive plan for the development and full utilization of methods and means to be employed in the years prior to 1976 for the effective acquisition, collection, storage, retrieval, distribution, and use of engineering documentation. Because of the violently changing state of the art of data acquisition, storage, and retrieval the description of the plan does not embrace the details of a total decade of phased change. Rather it describes actions that can and should be taken in the relatively near future, and proposes a continuing series of later studies to keep this plan current for the full decade. -
"Methods for cleaning electronic components and subassemblies."
In describing the cleaning of electronic components and subassemblies, it must be taken into consideration that each part to be cleaned presents an individual problem. The method of cleaning must be tailored to the type of part to be cleaned as well as to the type of soil to be removed. This paper reviews some of the methods used in cleaning electronic arts, particularly printed circuits, as well as other critical hardware which is used in support of electronic assemblies. Some of the methods covered include the use of abrasives, acids, solvents and alkalies, and the employment of these in combination with ultrasonic and other automatic systems. The clean room in use at IBM Huntsville is described briefly, along with the solutions and solvents used in cleaning electronic and supporting parts. Cleanliness- requirements for the area and the materials, together with procedures for meeting them give added emphasis to the critical nature of today's contamination control programs. The paper concludes with a summary of the cleaning procedures and the cleanroom benefits to be obtained by using present day technologies to improve them. -
"NEXUS concept of a large reusable earth launch vehicle."
Aspects of Earth-to-orbit delivery are discussed and a cost analysis of the logistic operation and the cost of orbital operations are presented. Probabilities of success of orbital delivery and the operational and economic aspects of establishing large orbital installations and maintaining a large transportation volume in the 1975/85 time period are compared for the two cases using a large number of Saturn V versus a smaller number of 1-stage chemical Post-Saturn launch vehicles. Performance parameters of chemical, chemonuclear and nuclear launch vehicles are compared. The concept of a blunt launch vehicle configuration referred to as NEXUS is presented in detail. Applications of this configuration to chemonuclear propulsion and to a 50 ft diameter version of Saturn V with recoverable first stage are discussed. -
"Proceedings : second NASA-wide reliability & quality assurance meeting : NASA Headquarters, November 29 - December 1, 1966."
The papers presented at the second NASA-Wide Reliability and Quality Assurance Meeting are published to disseminate current experiences and information. These papers, presented at NASA Headquarters on November 29 - December 1, 1966, are one means of exchanging current NASA reliability and quality assurance knowledge between projects and programs. This publication has been marked "FOR NASA USE" since it contains management opinions and contract experiences. Publication of papers suitable for wide dissemination in the Government, industry and University community is expected to be made separately. John E. Condon, Director, Reliability & Quality Assurance. -
"Saturn IB inflight photographic instrumentation system."
This Internal Note presents the development of the Saturn inflight photographic instrumentation program from its original development requirement concept to the flight hardware application on Saturn vehicles. A comprehensive description of the infight photographic instrumentation system is given along with data concerning testing, operation, application, and evaluation of the system after recovery. This Internal Note shows that the system has been successfully developed,that valuable information has been obtained from film retrieved from recovered capsules, and that the system can be used with a high degree of reliability. -
Saturn V project development plan : November 1967.
This document revises and supersedes the Saturn V Project Development Plan, dated March, 1967. Approved: Arthur Rudolph, Manager, Saturn V Program; Samuel C. Phillips, Major General, USAF, Director, Apollo Program. -
Saturn V management information : August 1964 : Volume VI.
This document contains copies of management charts maintained in the Managerial Data Center of the executive Staff on the Saturn V project. To facilitate use of this document, all Saturn V classified data has been removed and will be published in Volume XI. A list of these charts are shown on the "Table of Contents". Information on other MSFC activities will be published in separate volumes as indicated on the "Schedule for Publication of Data Bank Charts" contained in this volume. -
"Saturn system study II."
Study regarding the three-stage carrier vehicle E-1 engines. -
Source credibility and personal influence in three contexts : a study of dyadic communication in a complex aerospace organization.
Abstract to "A thesis submitted to the faculty of Purdue University fo Gary Marshall Richetto in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, January 1969".; Handwritten note on front page: Return to Internal Communication, Room 223, 4202. -
A "Think Clean" training program.
This paper outlines steps involved in preparing and presenting an instruction course on clean rooms. The training area, personnel, equipment, and program outline will be described. A summary of the results obtained over the first year of operation will be presented. -
Convective Energy Transport in Stellar Atmospheres: A Convective Cell Model.
One of the Orange Aid Preprint Series in Nuclear Astrophysics, September 1968.; Supported in part by the National Science Foundation [GP-7976], the Office of Naval Research [Nonr-220(47)]. ; ABSTRACT: The motion in a convectively unstable region is expanded into an ensemble of convective cells. Each of these cells interacts with the surrounding medium according to the semiempirical model proposed by Turner (1963 ). Possible detailed models of the flow patterns within each cell are presented. The radius and velocity of these cells are given as functions of distance moved. The convective flux and rms velocity are given as averages over the ensemble of cells. As in the standard mixing length theory the principle uncertainty remains the average initial radius of the cells. -
"Computer Redundancy: Design, Performance, and Future".
Discusses the importance of redundancy as a safety measure in electronic systems. -
"Component Failure Effect on Systems: An Analytical Model".
Prepared by R. L. Parkhill, Section Chief, Saturn S-IVB Reliability Analysis and J. Pauperas JR., Asst. Section Chief, Saturn S-IV Reliability Analysis. Presented to the 4th Annual Seminar on Reliability for Space Vehicles, Los Angeles, California, December 6, 1963. This paper presents techniques originated by Douglas Engineering working under NASA contract NAS7-1. Prepared as a record of the study conducted for the Administrative Engineer on the Department Overhead Account No. 9703.; SUMMARY: In today's complex systems, such as Saturn, many traditional reliability analysis concepts are not acceptable. Because of time and budget restrictions, and the requirement to provide a "man rated" space vehicle, the Douglas Saturn Engineering Reliability Section has developed a new analytical approach; it is called "criticality ranking". It is a "totem pole" of components whose single failure may lead to system loss. "Criticality ranking" is one of the results of an analytical model which encompasses failure effect and reliability prediction. This paper describes this analytical model, discusses some of the techniques and ground rules, and presents examples. A discussion of the application of the results is also included. -
"Computer Controlled Power Application for the Saturn Launch Vehicle".
This paper describes a real-time digital computer program that controls the application of electrical power to the S-IVB stage of the Saturn vehicle at Cape Kennedy, Florida. Douglas Aircraft Company, the S-IVB stage manufacturer, provided NASA with the program requirements relative to the energizing sequence, voltage and current measurement tolerances, and vehicle system operational tests. International Business Machines Corporation provided NASA with the computer program to satisfy the task requirements. The program conjoined the components of the Electrical Support Equipment (two RCA 110A computers and control and instrumentation devices) into a closed loop system. The supporting operating system program by IBM is described. -
"A Comparison of Advanced Cooling Techniques for Rocket Thrust Chambers".
The document is a technical paper for Astronautics and Aerospace Engineering Magazine.The copy has handwritten notes that appear to be for revisions. The abstract states "In the early days of rocket propulsion, two primary methods were employed for cooling the walls of thrust chambers. These were uncooled metal chambers where the heat sink capacity of the chamber and nozzle wall materials limited the operating duration, and regeneratively cooled chambers where one of the propellants was circulated in a cooling jacket which constituted the chamber wall. Today, there are at least fourteen different methods with variations for cooling the combustion devices and nozzles of liquid propellant, solid propellant, and/or nuclear rocket propulsion engines. It is the intent of this paper to examine these methods, to describe for each the useful range of operating conditions, as well as present and likely future applications, to define their limitations and associated problems. Emphasis is primarily placed on liquid rocket engines." -
"The Development of Servovalves with Improved Reliability for Space Vehicles."
Considerations for improvement in the reliability of the Saturn engine gimbal servosystems are briefly covered. The Saturn I servovalves operate with increased electrical input power. The Saturn V vehicle stages will use mechanical feedback actuators with increased electrical input power, larger orifices and nozzle sizes, larger torque motor wire size, and greater spool driving forces. -
"Development of the Saturn S-IV and S-IVB Liquid Hydrogen Tank Internal Insulation."
In April of 1960 the Douglas Aircraft Company was awarded a contract to develop the second and uppermost stage for the Saturn I space booster. In order to realize the high specific impulse available, this stage, called the S-IV, was to utilize liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen as the propellants. After burn-out of the first stage, the S-IV Stage was to ignite its engines at an altitude of approximately 200,000 feet, burn for approximately 8 minutes, and inject a 20,000 lb spacecraft into a low earth orbit. This program represented Douglas's first major endeavor with liquid hydrogen. It was necessary to develop an insulation for the S-IV Stage that was capable of withstanding the thermal shock associated with loading, could provide adequate insulative properties to limit the flow of heat into the hydrogen, and was of minimum weight. This latter fact cannot be over emphasized because every extra pound of insulation is one less pound of available payload weight. -
Development of LOX/RP-1 engines for Saturn/Apollo launch vehicles.
The development of liquid rocket engines follow similar patterns regardless of engine size. During the development of the H-1 and F-1 engines, may problems were encountered. Mehtods of solving the combustion instability problem are discussed.; AIAA 4th Propulsion Joint Specialist Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, June 10-14, 1968.; Also available on NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) as unclassified. Can be ordered. Also on AIAA. -
"Development of LOX/RP-1 Engines for Saturn/Apollo Launch Vehicles."
The development of liquid rocket engines follow similar patterns regardless of engine size. During the development of the H-1 and F-1 engines, many problems were encountered. Methods of solving the combustion instability problem are discussed. A description is given of the major components of each engine, outlining their unique features. The requirements for an insulation cocoon are discussed. Problems associated with materials substitution are provided; also highlighted is the fact that problems occur after engine deliveries and require continued development support. Safety features incorporated on the engines are mentioned. Solution to problems encountered in flight are discussed. Upratings of both engines systems are presented graphically.; On the NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) unclassified. Can also be found on AIAA. -
"Development of LOX-Hydrogen Engines for the Saturn Apollo Launch Vehicles."
During the development of the RL-10 and J-2 engines, many problems were encountered. Solutions to the significant problems are contained. A description of these LOX-Hydrogen engines, outlining the unique features of each will be given. Performance parameters for both engine systems are tabulated. Specific applications to various stages are shown. -
"Development of Separable Connectors for the Saturn S-IV Stage."
The purpose of this paper is to present information, in the area of separable connectors as they pertain to the Saturn S-IV Program. -
"Development of the NASA/Grumman Lunar Module."
Paper regarding the actions and achievement of the Grumman Aerospace Corporation. -
"Development Effort to Achieve Reliability."
Presented at the 6th West Coast Reliability Symposium, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, 20 February 1965.The development of a large liquid rocket engine can represent the expenditure of several hundred million dollars of effort. Before 30 percent of the contracted development funds have been expended, however, the engine will probably have operated for the mission duration. The capability to operate at least one successful test early in a development program is evidence of achieving a minimal reliability level, but the major objective of the development program is producing a design which performs reliably. A rocket engine reliability prediction must view reliability as a dynamic concept, constantly being altered by development effort. -
"Design and Development of a Zero-G Vapor Liquid Separator For Use in Cryogenic Fluid Power Systems."
During long coast periods of zero-gravity, storage vessels for the cryogenic liquids proposed for use in some power transmission systems undergo random distribution of the liquid and vapor phases therein. Thus, when heat flow into the vessel causes the vessel pressure to build-up requiring venting to maintain a safe value, the likelihood of venting the valuable liquid phase, as well as the vapor, results. To preclude this eventuality, various devices for separating the liquid and vapor phases and venting just the vapor have been studied and carried into the experimentation stages.