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"A decade of space progress, 1958 to 1968: General Electric Missile and Space Division offers a pictorial tribute to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration."
Excerpt from G.E. Challenge, Fall (Sept.) 1968, pages 13 to 25. -
"Countdown to Liftoff".
This is an article from the Boeing Magazine. The Archive copy is a very poor photocopy and is difficult to read.; About the time the S-IC-1 booster is lifting the first Apollo/Saturn V from the launch pad on its maiden unmanned flight next year, a Boeing systems test crew will begin static testing the S-IC-4 at Devils Swamp, Mississippi (MTF). Starting with S-IC-4, all Saturn V first stage boosters will be captive fired at MTF. At present, S-IC firings are conducted by MSFC's test laboratory at Huntsville. The first flight stage, the S-IC-1, was placed in the static test stand on 24 January 1966 and completed its test program 25 Feb. It was removed from the stand March 14 and is undergoing post-firing checkout. it is due to be shipped this summer to KSC where it will be mated to the two upper stages of Saturn V, the IU and Dummy Apollo payload. The S-IC-2 went into the static stand on March 22 and is being tested during April The S-IC-3 also will be tested at Huntsville in 1966. The job of putting the world's largest and most powerful rocket together will be accomplished in the world's largest building, the 52-story vehicle assembly building. -
"Dix ans D'exploration Spatiale."
A series of french articles related to the space program. -
"Dr. George Mueller: The Man Behind Manned."
G. E. Challenge. Article written about George Mueller, NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight. -
"Facilities Engineering for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration."
Article makes references to a film. Centers around the idea that testing space vehicles extensively before launch is cost control. -
"Facility Design for Handling Liquid Hydrogen for Space Vehicle Applications."
Presented to German Society for Rocket Technology & Astronautics.Essay discussing the capabilities of liquid hydrogen as fuel. -
"Footprints on the Frontier."
An article regarding Doctor Kurt Debris, director of NASA's Kennedy Space Center. -
"Forecasting future military missions and their technological demands."
Archive copy is a poor photocopy.; Article is from Defense Industry Bulletin, October 1959, pages 21 to 24. -
"Huntsville: Space City, U.S.A."
An article describing Huntsville's role in various space related projects. -
"IBM Mobile Room Lends Flexibility to Apollo Saturn Unit Fabrication."
This article was published in the April 1967 issue of Contamination Control, Volume VI, Number 4. States: "The extreme sensitivity of critical parts in the Apollo /Saturn Instrument Unit (IU) has demanded unique clean room techniques by International Business Machines Corporation."