UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (192 total)

  • pdf_013108114114.pdf

    Presented to ACHEMA Congress and European Meeting of Chemical Engineering 1967, Frankfurt, Germany, June 21, 1967 by Dr. Eberhard Rees.; Includes slide numbers.
  • spc_nick_000326_000326.pdf

    Written by John F. Roehm, this report covers a summary of reports of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr.'s efficiency from his former Battery Executive Officer and regimental basketball boach.
  • telesystforsatus-istagdeve_032107081755.pdf

    The telemetry system used on the Saturn S-I stage for the transmission of vehicle test data is described. Multiplex and modulationtechniques such as PAM/FM/FM, SS/FM and PGM are used in the system. The diverse data requirements for developing the eight-engineliquid-fueled stage necessitated the use of a combination of severalmodulation techniques to efficiently handle the data. A cursory comparisonis made of the merits of each technique. Physical and electricalrequirements and characteristics of the system are outlined.
  • S1VBsathigh_032608091902.pdf

    The development of carrier rockets For manned space missions has been one of the major activities in the aerospace field during the past decade. The early space efforts were made possible by the existence of large ballistics missiles. It soon became obvious that the delivery of weapons and the launch of large spacecraft could not be combined into one operational system in an efficient way; therefore, a family of spacecraft boosters had to be created.
  • proincrypumdesforspaapp_031808115456.pdf

    Report detailing the problems surrounding cryogenic pump design for space travel and missions.
  • spc_stnv_000106.pdf

    Presented at the AIAA/AAS Stepping Stones to Mars Meeting, this paper compares the "payload velocity spectrum for existing and future missions" with Saturn V capabilities.
  • spc_stnv_000107.pdf

    According to an abstract found on the page following the title page, this paper includes "one possible conceptual definition of an early Apollo Logistics Support Systems (ALSS) is presented and various payloads for the system are briefly discussed. " It also discusses the Lunar Mobile Laboratory (MOLAB) and other considerations for a lunar scientific mission.
  • spc_stnv_000094.pdf

    This memorandum contains the pages to be changed in the logistics program for the Apollo/Saturn Project. The logistics plan includes the design, procuring, manufacturing, and production processes. This plan formalizes the program, improves logistic support, and implements management and action plans.
  • spc_stnv_000115.pdf

    This memorandum contains artificial gravity considerations for Project Apollo and was directed to Seamans, Wernher von Braun, Donlon, and Gilruth. Silverstein writes that he believes it is too early to tell if the Apollo spacecraft is capable of providing artificial gravity.

    This section contains a report on Quietdale, a home built in Madison county, Huntsville, Alabama.
  • spc_horn_000001_000064.pdf

    From the abstract: "This report discusses the iterative guidance mode and its application to three-dimensional upper stage vacuum flight. It is an inertial or closed system mode in that the only inputs required after liftoff are available from the onboard navigation system. That is, the iterative scheme computes steering commands as a function of the state and of the vehicle - velocity, position, longitudinal acceleration, and gravitational acceleration - and the desired cutoff conditions. The guidance commands are updated each guidance cycle, using the updated state of the vehicle. The iterative guidance scheme is a path adaptive guidance scheme in that it will retain its optimization properties under all expected types and magnitudes of vehicle perturbations without any loss in accuracy at liftoff."
  • Casecomp_091907132002.pdf

    "The Case for Compatibility" is a paper by Robert L. Smith, Jr., who worked in Quality and Reliability Assurance Laboratory at George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. The summary states, "Ever since the use of missiles and space launch vehicles began, questions have existed in every program regarding the similarity between upstream (e.g., manufacturing, static firing ) and launch site checkout equipment. Programs have existed which utilized nearly identical equipment for both uses; other programs have existed in which any resemblance of the equipment was probably coincidental. Many factors have entered the final decisions, not the least of which were economic and schedule considerations, and, in some instances, the organizational structure of the developer."
  • Sperrandmontprog_092910151001.pdf

    The following pages contain reports for each of the individual contract appendices covering technical progress and accomplishments, related problems, and staffing progress. The report of manhours expended against each appendix by schedule order is being submitted as a part of the financial management report.
  • TVsystapoltele_111307142704.pdf

    Focuses on the construction and future use of the Apollo space telescope. The components described in this paper except for those listed otherwise were designed by the Space Support Division of Sperry Rand Corporation to specifications established by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Appreciation is extended to MSFC for permission to publish this paper and for data and help provided for its preparation.
  • statsmodforsaturn_012508122337.pdf

    This report presents the logic leading to a mathematical expression for mission availability. Mission availability is treated as the probability that the cumulative downtime occurring during a mission of given length will be less than the time constraint. This is opposed to more general approaches such as steady state or instantaneous availability or operating time versus real time. We intend to present a practical and usable mathematical model by deduction and demonstration. The development is based on exponentially distributed downtimes. Experience shows that certain systems follow exponential downtime distributions except near zero. This error is often so small that it may be neglected. A future report will present a downtime distribution which will account for this small error.
  • spc_stnv_000113.pdf

    This paper, which was presented at a Semi-Annual Meeting of the American Rocket Society, traces the role of the United States Army in national space activities. Incorporated in the report are photographs illustrating the evolution of the satellite and space program.

    This section contains a report booklet written by Christine P. Sumner. Contains numerous census lists that cover death-rates, land-lists and assessments.
  • spc_stnv_000135.pdf

    Includes a blueprint of DDAS System Block Diagram.

    This section contains a report on the Countess [John Ford] House, a home built in Madison county, Huntsville, Alabama.

    This section contains a report on the Withers-Chapman House, a home built in Madison county, Huntsville, Alabama.

    This section contains a report on the Strong-Rutledge House, a home built in Madison county, Huntsville, Alabama.

    Madison Co. - Huntsville Site #21, 519 Randolph Ave. SE, Huntsville

    This section contains a report on the Phelps-Jones House, a home built in Madison county, Huntsville, Alabama.

    This section contains a report on the Steele House, a home built in Madison county, Huntsville, Alabama.

    This section appears to be a collection booklet of TARCOG correspondence, job descriptions, employee/management registers and survey forms. Contains maps paired with certain survey reports.

    This section contains reports related to the Limestone County Historical Survey. Relates specifically to maps and soil maps, including descriptions and historical significance. Maps and Soil Maps not included.

    This section contains reports and maps related to the Madison County Historical Site Survey. Maps appear to be hand-drawn. Contains reports and maps from Madison County, Mississippi and Madison County, Alabama.

    This section contains reports related to the Jacksonville Historical Site Survey. Relates specifically to photographs taken of different types of maps. Photographs not included.

    This section contains a handful of reports related to photographs (not present), describing their size, significance and additional descriptive details.

    This section primarily contains handwritten reports and applications for certain buildings / sites to be considered Historic buildings / sites related to the Limestone County Historical Survey. Applications contain descriptions and historic context to justify their admittance.

    This section contains documents, maps and reports, both handwritten and not related to the Marshal County Historical Site survey.
  • orbreslab_071807093833.pdf

    This report presents the results of the study of Orbiting Research Laboratory and Logistic Spacecraft Checkout Requirements as they relate to prelaunch operations at MILA. The study was performed jointly by the Florida Division and the Systems Research and Analysis Division of TRW Space Technology Laboratories for NASA under the terms of contract NAS10-1076.
  • chronairforcemaninspace_071607084809.pdf

    The foreword states "In this chronology, Air Force manned space flight activity is viewed from the perspective of the ballistic missile development agency - the Air Research and Development Command's Western Development Division, later re-named the Air Force Ballistic Missile Division. Due to resource limitations at the Space Systems Division historical office, research for this chronology has been generally limited to materials available in the files of that office. All documents cite in the notes which follow each entry are located in the archives of the Historical Division, Office of Information, Space Systems Division, in Los Angeles California." There are handwritten notes throughout.
  • prelstudofanunmalunasoftlandvehi(scieappli)_062507093930.pdf

    Report to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Working Group on Lunar and Planetary Surfaces.
  • spc_thom_000002_000067.pdf

    This report was produced by the Data and Design Analysis Task Force "to support the Presidential Commission appointed by President Ronald Reagan to investigate the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger and its crew." The report includes details from investigations in the areas of Development and Production, Prelaunch Activities, Accident Analysis, and Mission Planning and Operations. The report includes a recommendation to conduct an investigation "into the manufacturing process, final delivery and material cutting of the O-rings" that failed during the accident.
  • sdsp_skyl_000054_001.pdf
  • sdsp_skyl_000055_001.pdf
  • sdsp_skyl_000059_001.pdf

    This report describes the experiments onboard Skylab, what the data the experiments gather indicates, and the equipment that the experiments utilize. This includes the spider experiment.
  • sdsp_skyl_000062.pdf

    This is a hardware evaluation and assessment of the skylab habitat systems based on the feedback from the Skylab crews.
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