UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

STS 51-L Data and Design Analysis Task Force Lessons Learned Report.


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STS 51-L Data and Design Analysis Task Force Lessons Learned Report.


This report was produced by the Data and Design Analysis Task Force "to support the Presidential Commission appointed by President Ronald Reagan to investigate the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger and its crew." The report includes details from investigations in the areas of Development and Production, Prelaunch Activities, Accident Analysis, and Mission Planning and Operations. The report includes a recommendation to conduct an investigation "into the manufacturing process, final delivery and material cutting of the O-rings" that failed during the accident.



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Lawrence J. Thomson Collection
University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives, Huntsville, Alabama



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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, “STS 51-L Data and Design Analysis Task Force Lessons Learned Report.,” UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives, accessed October 25, 2024,

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