UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • spc_stnv_000052.pdf
  • Loc_burw-1153.pdf

    Edwin D. Burwell, Jr. was stationed at Fort Gordon, Ga. in mid-1944 and joined the 1147th Combat Engineers for training in the Carolina maneuver area.
  • Loc_burw-1154.pdf

    Edwin D. Burwell, Jr. was stationed at Fort Gordon, Ga. in mid-1944 and joined the 1147th Combat Engineers for training in the Carolina maneuver area.
  • Loc_burw-1155.pdf

    Edwin D. Burwell, Jr. was stationed at Fort Gordon, Ga. in mid-1944 and joined the 1147th Combat Engineers for training in the Carolina maneuver area.
  • Loc_burw-1156.pdf

    Edwin D. Burwell, Jr. was stationed at Fort Gordon, Ga. in mid-1944 and joined the 1147th Combat Engineers for training in the Carolina maneuver area.
  • Friday__September_29__2017_at_11_29_57_AM_default_2a11bcb7.mp4

    Richard Heckmann was born in Ohio, and he lived there until he was 9 years old. When he turned 9, his dad received a civil engineering job in Washington D.C., so they moved there soon after. After this, they then moved to Maryland. Richard explains that he was a sickly child, and he was once in a coma for 10 days when he was just 7 years old. Growing up, he became more healthy and ended up going to Johns Hopkins University and graduated with an Engineering Science degree. Richard eventually accepted a commission in the ordinance corp, and he went to Fort Bliss for a guided missile school. He spent two years in the autillery there. At Fort Bliss, he received his private pilot's license while he was in the service. Then, they took Richard back to the ordinance corp. and they sent him down to the Redstone Arsenal, where he got stationed. After this career, Richard worked as a project engineer for the manufacturing for hardware at Thiokol. He then transferred to Hayes Industry, and he worked with the manufacturing engineering lab at the Marshall Space Flight Center. There, he worked on the Apollo Applications Program.
  • SatuVspacprog_111307143135.pdf

    This paper discusses the flaws and limitations with welding technology, specifically with the techniques involved.
  • xraytelinsofaerwel_060707140201.pdf

    A sensitive new television X-ray image enlargement system has been developed under sponsorship of Watertown Arsenal Laboratories (Army Materials Research Agency) by the Department of Welding Engineering of The Ohio State University. Now commercially-available through Philips Electronics Instruments (Norelco), complete systems have been in service since January 1963 in aerospace, electronic, and other facilities. Such users report highly- satisfactory performance and unusual reliability in service. The new X-ray system permits in-motion or stationary examination of critical aerospace materials, components, and systems such as sheet materials, weldments, brazed joints, electronic components, printed circuit assemblies, small mechanisms, and biological specimens.
  • Thetoughestweldofall_061908141303.pdf

    Article explores the outer layer of the Saturn S-II along side its benefits and complications. Contains poorly rendered images displaying the process.
  • Inspweld_022008153722.pdf

    Archive copy is a poor photocopy. Cannot read.