Digesu worked in the Astrionics Division of MSFC. This paper was presented at the AIAA Guidance & Control Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 12-14, 1963.
Presented by Charles A. MacGregor, Supervisor, Advanced Turbomachinery during Workshop D, Royce Hall, Room 160 at UCLA on 2 June 1964, as a part of the NASA-UCLA Symposium and Workshop on the Transformation of Knowledge and Its Utilization. The introduction notes, "This report is divided into two general parts. The first part is a description of turbopumps for liquid rocket engines as they exist today. For completeness and understanding, some background information is included on why turbopumps have evolved to their present configurations. The second part suggest portions of this effort that may have some applicability to the general economy."
Includes Technical and Scientific Staff; Advanced Studies Office; Projects Office; Aerospace Environment Division; Aerophysics Division; Astrodynamics and Guidance Theory Division; Dynamics and Flight Mechanics Division; Flight Test Analysis Division.
Includes Advanced Studies Office, Aerospace Environment Division, Astrodynamics and Guidance Theory Division, Projects Office, Aerophysics Division, Dynamics and Flight Mechanics Division, Flight Test Analysis Division.