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  • spacebusinessdaily_19660211.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 29 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include Surveyor development problems to headline the Space Science and Applications Subcommittee hearings, various studies and contracts awarded in space-related fields, the next Soviet soft-lander, launch dates for Orbital Vehicle Air Force satellites, the success of the fifth Scout re-entry test, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660214.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 30 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the response to a call for a six-month feasibility and preliminary design study of data relay satellites, scheduled hearings by the House Space Subcommittee, the announcement of MOL manned launches to be flown out of California not Florida sparks opposition to the plan, various launches and test dates, charts of manned space flight supporting research, space science and applications supporting research, advanced research and technology supporting research, and tracking and data acquisition supporting research, a report on NASA's advanced research and technology budget for 1967, topics on Future Space Business, the unveiling of a flight model of the Phoenix air-to-air missile, and DOD and NASA grants and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660215.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 31 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the call to establish a manned exploration of the Moon as America's next national space goal after the lunar landing, the Air Force's MOL program and NASA's AA space station program, part one of the National Academy of Sciences' recommendations regarding rocket/satellite research, part two of the report on NASA advanced research and technology for 1967, topics on Future Space Business, and NASA negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660216.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 32 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the bidding for the development and fabrication contract for a ComSat multipurpose satellite, "trade mission reports on European Space Business," the halt of testing for the AGENA target vehicle for the Gemini VII mission, part two of recommendations regarding rocket/satellite research, the full-size experimental model of the Local Scientific Survey Module, changes in earnings and other financial information, and DOD and NASA negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660217.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 33 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the conflict between Florida Congressional delegation and the plans for the Air Force MOL program, the development of a composite engine for the Supersonic Combustion Ramjet, plans for a two-hour extra-vehicular Gemini VIII mission, the launch of France's second payload D-1A, part three of recommendations regarding rocket/satellite research, changes in earnings and other financial changes, and the awarding of a contract for Minuteman II guidance and control system components.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660218.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 34 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include NASA's preparationg for a direct broadcast TV satellite, decisions for the Apollo Applications program, the defense of aspects of NASA's budget, an analysis of the meeting at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660221.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 35 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the cutting of NASA's budget for 1970 unless "vigorous effort toward initiation of post-Apollo program missions is forthcoming," updates on the California MOL base controversy, the failure of AGENA engine tests, various budgetary problems in the Apollo program, various contracts awarded and changes in earnings, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA grants, contracts, and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660223.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 36 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the proposal to cut some flights of various satellite programs and experiments on future Apollo Applications flights, the possibility of physics and astronomy experiments aboard the Air Force MOL flights, considerations to give the Air Force direction of all U.S. manned Earth-orbit programs, opposition to the California MOL base, the countdown for the first flight test of the Saturn IB rocket, a mock Lurain mission, various budget and financial earning topics, topics on Future Space Business, and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660224.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 37 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the call for immediate awarding of Voyager contracts, set backs on the Surveyor project and the classification of various launch dates, data from the Soviet's Luna IX, NASA long-range goals, the cancellation of Gemini land recovery plans, British Navy shifting to missile power and the confirmation of their purchase of 50 F-111A aircraft, changes in earnings and other financial information, and the rescheduling of the launch of two twin OV satellites.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660225.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 38 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include hearing decisions on the Air Force's pending launch of five Manned Orbiting Laboratories from California instead of Florida, contracts for five Apollo lunar surface drills, NASA's order of new attitude control engine for space maneuvering, the rescheduling of Saturn IB's first test flight launch, the planned 1967 Mariner missions to Venus, plans for a new Mars mission probe, the defense of Gemini plans to Congress, a detailed breakdown of Defense Secretary's funding position for space and missile projects for 1967, the successful second test firing of Aerojet's motor, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660228.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 39 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the ordering of seven-segment solid motors by the Air Force Space Systems Division for the MOL program, concern over the presented Apollo Applications plans for a manned space flight, the potential operational communications satellite system for tactile messages between warring units, another postponement of the Saturn IB launch, budget requirements in 1968 for the SNAP 8 program to continue, part twoi of the detailed breakdown of the Defense Secretary's funding position for space and missile projects for 1967, various business acquisitions and changes in earnings, the plans for a new facility to be built to house ramjet experimentation, topics on Future Space Business, and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660200.pdf

    This is the Space Log, a monthly publication for the Space Business Daily newsletter. The Space Log includes a detailed timeline of space activity and research over the course of the month of February.
  • spc_thom_000002_000067.pdf

    This report was produced by the Data and Design Analysis Task Force "to support the Presidential Commission appointed by President Ronald Reagan to investigate the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger and its crew." The report includes details from investigations in the areas of Development and Production, Prelaunch Activities, Accident Analysis, and Mission Planning and Operations. The report includes a recommendation to conduct an investigation "into the manufacturing process, final delivery and material cutting of the O-rings" that failed during the accident.
  • uah_maso_000001.pdf

    UAH, then known as the University of Alabama Huntsville Center, circulated this letter in preparation for class registration and the center's integration in June 1963. Mason addresses the impending arrival of the first Black student, Dave Mack McGlathery, though he is not named in the letter. Mason emphasizes "that the academic program will proceed smoothly" and that "all persons and property will be protected," namely through a new student identification card system. Dave Mack McGlathery integrated the Huntsville Center on June 13, 1963, as he walked into Morton Hall to register for classes. His arrival proceeded uneventfully, though National Guardsmen were present to maintain order. Along with Vivian Malone, McGlathery was a plaintiff in the lawsuit to desegregate the University of Alabama.
  • loc_robf_000303_000304.pdf

    The back of this real photo postcard reads, "Virginia Clay Clopton, age 90."
  • loc_burw_-1.pdf

    The certificate states that Burwell served in the ORC from May 12, 1938 to September 26, 1941 and the EAD after this time.
  • loc_burw_-2.pdf

    This document lists Burwell's military education, civilian education, and civilian occupations.
  • loc_burw_-3.pdf
  • loc_burw_-4.pdf
  • loc_burw_-5.pdf
  • loc_burw_-6.pdf

    The certificate states that Burwell served in the ORC from May 12, 1938 to September 26, 1941 and the EAD after this time.
  • loc_burw_-7.pdf
  • loc_burw_-8.pdf
  • loc_burw_-9.pdf
  • loc_burw_-10.pdf

    Lists the property and quantity of items issued to the Supply Officer, including bedding, bags, utensils, canteens, helmets,and tents.
  • loc_burw_-11.pdf
  • loc_burw_-12.pdf
  • loc_burw_-13.pdf
  • loc_burw_-14.pdf
  • loc_burw_-15.pdf
  • loc_burw_-16.pdf

    The card includes information on Burwell's monthly pay, additional pay, rental allowances, subsistence, dependents, allotments, and insurance. Instructions for vaccination records are attached to the card.
  • loc_burw_-17.pdf

    The certificate states that Burwell served in the ORC from May 12, 1938 to September 26, 1941 and the EAD after this time.
  • loc_burw_-18.pdf
  • loc_burw_-19.pdf

    These orders from the 1147th Engineer Combat Group called for Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr. and five other men to make "necessary reconnaissance and preliminary arrangements in connection with combined field training" in the Carolina Manuever Area.
  • loc_burw_-20_21.pdf

    The front of the card displays an image of Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr., as well as his name, designation, and signature. The back notes his height at five feet, eight and a half inches, weight as 140 pounds, hair color as brown, and eye color as blue. It also notes his daye of birth, 9 November 1916, and has his left and right index fingerprints. The word "INACTIVE" is hole-punched into the card.
  • loc_burw_-22.pdf

    In this correspondence, 1st Lieutenant Wallace M. Telford writes to the commanding general at Fort McPherson in Georgia about Edwin D. Burwell Jr. He requests information on the eligibility of returning Major Burwell, who has recently returned from the Italian Campaign, to service overseas within six months of his return.
  • loc_burw_-23.pdf
  • loc_burw_-24.pdf
  • loc_burw_-25.pdf

    Lists the property and quantity of items issued to the Edwin D. Burwell Jr. and notes that some of this property was "lost or rendered unservicable through combat conditions."
  • loc_burw_-26.pdf

    Edwin D. Burwell Jr. requests seven days of leave to return home to Mississippi and attend to his personal affairs.
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