This photo shows the LRV on the moon at the Hadley-Appenine mountain range landing site during the Apollo 15 mission. Developed by Marshall Space Flight Center and built by Boeing, the LRV was an electric vehicle used to explore the Moon's surface during the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
Developed by Marshall Space Flight Center and built by Boeing, the LRV was an electric vehicle used to explore the Moon's surface during the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
The leaflet describes Marshall's role in developing launch vehicles for the space program, its collaboration with NASA facilities in Mississippi and Louisiana, and its research and development operations. Includes a map.
Davis served as a Mission Specialist on STS-60, the second flight of the Space Habitation Module (Spacehab). As part of the mission, she conducted thin-film crystal growth experiments in the Wake Shield Facility.
Davis served as a Mission Specialist on STS-60, the second flight of the Space Habitation Module (Spacehab). As part of the mission, she conducted thin-film crystal growth experiments in the Wake Shield Facility.