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  • loc_gold_000347_000352.pdf

    In this letter, Edgar Weil gives Goldsmith information regarding the sale of his mother's stocks in the Chelten Hills Cemetery Company, as Goldsmith is unable to attend and will need a proxy, and the reasoning behind the call to change the per value of the stock. Weil states that the Company does not earn any return for their stocks and so he is selling the stocks for a low price per share due to the fact that "nobody will ever get a cent for these holdings." The second document is a letter from Oscar requesting a proxy for the meeting, and Harry's response to be Oscar's proxy. The final documents are signed and blank contracts appointing attorneys to vote for the decrease in per value of the capital stocks at the stockholders meeter.
  • loc_gold_000363_000364.pdf

    Milliken writes to Oscar Goldsmith in the first letter stating that he hopes to visit the Huntsville mill with Mr. Winchester soon. Goldsmith responds that he would be glad to have them visit.
  • loc_gold_000362_000362_000368_000369.pdf

    These letters discuss the appointment of a new treasurer of Dallas Mnfg. Co. to succeed Mr. Rison. Oscar Goldsmith offers himself as an applicant for the position in the first letter. The second letter is Milliken's response to the topic. He states that Mr. Rhett has been selected for some time now while Mr. Rison was still there. Milliken thanks Goldsmith for his willingness to take on more work and hopes he will continue as Assistant Treasurer as he deems it "unwise for a man of your age" to take on additional responsibilities. Goldsmith replies in the final letter expressing happiness at Mr. Rhett's appointment and mentions the already-scheduled Director's Meeting.
  • loc_gold_000365_000367_000370_000371.pdf

    Correspondence between G. H. Milliken, W. E. Winchester, and Oscar Goldsmith regarding flowers bought for the funeral of Mr. Rison.
  • spc_nick_000368_000368_000373_000373.pdf

    Bell writes to Grant in Washington D.C. on behalf of the defense counsel in an attempt to change Nickerson's case from trial by court-martial to a non-judicial punishment. Grant responds with interest and states that it looks as though the Army may "drop the Colonel Nickerson case by non-judicial punishment."
  • spc_nick_000365_000365_000371_000371.pdf

    Bell writes to Huddleston in Washington D.C. on behalf of the defense counsel in an attempt to change Nickerson's case from trial by court-martial to a non-judicial punishment. Huddleston responds stating his will "make a discreet request" to Secretary Brucker and General Maxwell.
  • spc_nick_000429_000434_000436_000437.pdf

    Almond writes to Huddleston in an attempt to get Nickerson brought back from exile in Panama. Huddleston agrees with Almond in his response and says he will do his best to advocate for Nickerson's testimony on the missile program and will bring the matter to the attention of the Chairman, Honorable Carl Vinson. Huddleston's following letter of January 25, 1958 states that Carl Vinson does not believe having Nickerson as a witness is advisable. Huddlestone attaches a copy of Vinson's letter that explains this. Almond writes in response to the decision with his thoughts on the matter and believes that "all service officers will step gingerly in their testimony" so as not to "stick their necks out as General Gavin and Colonel Nickerson have already done."
  • loc_gold_000385_000395.pdf

    The letters detail information about Dallas Manufacturing Co. stocks being sold. This set of documents also includes a check for the forty shares.
  • loc_isco_002_003.pdf

    From the business records of I. Schiffman and Company. In the first letter, Lawrence B. Goldsmith of I. Schiffman and Co. inquires about selling cotton through the Alabama Farm Bureau Cotton Association. In his reply, Northington asserts that "we will be glad to handle any cotton for you that was grown on your farm and make the government advance up to 15.64� Middling basis."
  • loc_gold_000271_000272.pdf

    Correspondence regarding Ida B. Dallas's missing dividend check on her stocks for Huntsville Land Improvement Co. Goldsmith responds, informing her that no dividends were paid October 1, 1912 due to repairs and painting of the property of the Company, therefore the expenses do not allow for a surplus for dividends.
  • spc_nick_000362_000362_000367_000367.pdf

    Bell writes to Sparkman in Washinton D.C. on behalf of the defense counsel in an attempt to change Nickerson's case from trial by court-martial to a non-judicial punishment. Sparkman thanks Bell for his letter from May 8 and responds that he has already been "dropping some suggestions" regarding Bell's hope to give Nickerson a non-judicial punishment rather than trial by court-martial.
  • spc_nick_000369_000369_000374_000374.pdf

    Bell writes to Roberts in Washington D.C. on behalf of the defense counsel in an attempt to change Nickerson's case from trial by court-martial to a non-judicial punishment. Roberts responds that he has done everything he could on the matter.
  • loc_gold_000324_000328.pdf

    Mrs. Owens writes to Ella Davis regarding a lost tax receipt for 1920, requesting that she send the receipt again as the books do not show payment of taxes for the year. Ella Davis replies with the receipt, asking that they take care not to lose it and return it to her promptly.
  • loc_gold_000308_000317.pdf

    These letters detail a chronological correspondence between Oscar Goldsmith and John A. Chapman, his agent, regarding negotiations to purchase property on Meridianville Pike from W. H. Halsey. The letters between Chapman and Goldsmith discuss reasonable price offers and "fancy" price Halsey wants for the property. In the end, Halsey writes a letter detailing the final transaction and cost.
  • spc_nick_000387_000388.pdf

    Green writes to Bell saying he saw him on the news following the Nickerson case and he hopes the results were to his satisfaction. Bell writes to Green in response saying he is pleased at the outcome of Nickerson's trial and asks Green to visit him if he is ever in North Alabama.
  • spc_nick_000329_000330.pdf

    Brown wishes Bell the best in the Nickerson case and expresses support for the Colonel. Bell's response thanks Brown for his support.
  • spc_nick_000389_000390.pdf

    Pritchard writes to Bell, sending a check for Colonel Nickerson to be used for any fines that would be imposed or for the expense of the defense of Nickerson. Bell responds with his sincere thanks and writes that he has given the check to Colonel Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000009_000011_000014_000016.pdf

    These letters include information pertaining to the Nickerson case. Almond expresses desire to "get something in motion to subdue the unnecessary and trivial expressions of � General Medaris". The letters also mention various correspondence that was included in the exchange of information. Both men advocate for the "cause" of Colonel Nickerson's actions. Bell was Nickerson's attorney during his trial.
  • spc_nick_000012_000013.pdf

    In response to Bell's February 13 letter from Edward Almond, Ayers informs Bell that he is attempting to find someone who would write a letter to newspaper publications in agreement with their opinion that Medaris is taking too much credit for his work. Bell responds that he is skeptical Ayers would find anyone as Medaris could make their life a "rather miserable existence".
  • spc_nick_000327_000328.pdf

    Lawson writes a brief letter to Bell wishing him luck in the Nickerson case and saying he is the right person for the job. Bell responds calls the case a "Herculean one" and hopes he can fulfill the responsibility.
  • spc_nick_000402_000403.pdf

    Lucas writes to Bell after the Nickerson case and encloses a picture that was requested by Bell. He mentions in closing that Jenkins informed him he will recommend against an appeal. Bell thanks Lucas for the picture and writes he is happy to hear Jenkins recommends against appeal as Bell is having a difficult time keeping Nickerson's "big mouth shut and to forget the word 'appeal'.
  • spc_nick_000333_000334.pdf

    L. C. Walker, Nickerson's uncle by marriage, asks Bell if he and another uncle by marriage could be permitted to sit in on the hearing. Bell responds that they will have seating space for Walker and Mr. Scott.
  • spc_nick_000335_000337.pdf

    Cox writes to Bell asking if he could have the priviledge of reporting Nickerson's case, "unless other arrangements have been made." Cox includes his previous experience with court-martials. Bell responds by explaining that the defense counsel has little influence in the matters of appointing a court reporter.
  • spc_nick_000650_000654.pdf

    Several letters between Bell and Jenkins detail various things from their daily lives, humorous exchanges, the upcoming Tennessee-Georgia Tech football game they are gathering for, and a potential new case Jenkins has regarding workplace injuries and Bell's advice regarding the matter. Bell also includes a few updates on articles that have been published on the vindication of Colonel John Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000397_000399.pdf

    Ryan writes that he recently saw a picture of Bell in the New York Herald Tribune with Colonel Nickerson. He includes personal details of his life stating he remarried and recently took a trip to Europe. He reminisces of a Caribbean trip they took together a year before his first wife passed away. Ryan also congratulates Bell on the "wonderful result" of the trial. Bell responds, continuing to reminisce on the same Caribbean trip and states he hopes to travel out West and visit with Ryan while there. He concludes by thanking Ryan for the letter.
  • spc_nick_000363_000363_000366_000366.pdf

    Bell writes to Hill in Washington D.C. on behalf of the defense counsel in an attempt to change Nickerson's case from trial by court-martial to a non-judicial punishment. Hill responds by thanking Bell for the letter and will do anything to help "along the lines of your suggestion."
  • spc_nick_000128_000133.pdf

    T. C. King writes to the Secretary of Defense, Neil H. McElroy, regarding the Nickerson case, calling it the "second Billy Mitchell case". He encourages McElroy to restore Nickerson to active duty, return to Redstone Arsenal, promote Nickerson and remove Medaris. The Adjutant General , Herbert Jones, replies that promotions are based on the officers' entire records and Nickerson plead guilty. King's reponse is included. This exchange of letters was forwarded to Robert K. Bell in the interest of the case.
  • spc_schu_1856_1857.pdf

    In his letter to Dornberger, Schulze congratulates him on his seventieth birthday and notes, "Looking back 29 years ago when I joined your organization in Kummersdorf, it is hard to single out specific important decisions you made and accomplishments achieved; to me they all appear of outstanding nature. I shall always be grateful for the friendship and experience gained in the development of rockets as a member of your team in those early years." Dornberger's reply is enclosed.
  • spc_nick_000563_000564.pdf

    Alverson writes to Waugh to submit a question to the asked at the next presidential press conference along with a follow-up question. The question regards the President's opinion on the missile program and Colonel Nickerson's actions. Waugh responds that the Washington bureau will do what it can to get her questions answered.
  • loc_hutc_000051_000058.pdf

    Hodges writes to Hutchens, his cousin, requesting help as they have hit hard times as a drought wiped out his crops, and he has no money to buy groceries or clothes. Brittain then writes to Hutchens on behalf of Hodges almost two months later requesting Hutchens' help. Brittain writes again in June thanking Hutchens for the package he send Hodges. The final letter is Hodges writing to Hutchens thanking him for the package and detailing his crops success and failure.
  • loc_isco_011_027.pdf

    From the business records of I. Schiffman and Company. The letters contain lists of farmers whose cotton I. Schiffman & Co. is marketing through the Alabama Farm Bureau Cotton Association. The materials include notes from each farmer instructing the Association to hold their cotton in the "regular annual pool [...] subject to lien on same held by I. Schiffman & Company." Each letter indicates the value of the cotton.
  • loc_burw_-22.pdf

    In this correspondence, 1st Lieutenant Wallace M. Telford writes to the commanding general at Fort McPherson in Georgia about Edwin D. Burwell Jr. He requests information on the eligibility of returning Major Burwell, who has recently returned from the Italian Campaign, to service overseas within six months of his return.
  • loc_burw_-117_118.pdf
  • spc_nick_000097_000098.pdf

    William Nichols writes to Robert K. Bell, enclosing a letter from Lieutenant Colonel William G. Barry. The enclosed letter requests William Nichols' presence at the Nickerson trial at an undetermined date. It states that a subpoena will be sent when a date is set.
  • loc_hutc_000167_000175.pdf

    Dr. Wyeth writes to a "friend" about working, asks about Sam Russell and requests that the enclosed letter is given to him. He also asks for any information about Meck Robinson. The recipient, possibly W. P. Newman, responds that he gave the letter to Russell. He discusses their friendship and thanks Wyeth for the "Expressions of friendly, sweet, and tender miracles" for his family. He also discusses working and life struggles, calling the world "cold." The author shares various verses and personal information through his lengthy letter. The seventh and final page is missing the bottom part. The back of the final page includes a drawing, presumably by a child, and a handwritten note.
  • spc_mcca_000052_web.pdf
  • loc_burw_-55.pdf
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