UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Correspondence between T. C. King and Robert K. Bell and various attached letters.


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Correspondence between T. C. King and Robert K. Bell and various attached letters.


T. C. King writes to the Secretary of Defense, Neil H. McElroy, regarding the Nickerson case, calling it the "second Billy Mitchell case". He encourages McElroy to restore Nickerson to active duty, return to Redstone Arsenal, promote Nickerson and remove Medaris. The Adjutant General , Herbert Jones, replies that promotions are based on the officers' entire records and Nickerson plead guilty. King's reponse is included. This exchange of letters was forwarded to Robert K. Bell in the interest of the case.



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Col. John C. Nickerson, Jr. Papers
Box 1, Series 1, Folder 2
University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives, Huntsville, Alabama



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Bell, Robert K., Jones, Herbert, and King, T. C., “Correspondence between T. C. King and Robert K. Bell and various attached letters.,” UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives, accessed March 4, 2025,

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