UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • Query: research institute
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Record Type Title
Collection spc_herm_000004.pdf Rudolf Hermann Collection
Collection uah_maso_000001.pdf Philip Mason Collection
File loc_hilt_0000006_0000042.pdf loc_hilt_0000006_0000042.pdf
File spc_mitc_001_062B.pdf spc_mitc_001_062B.pdf
File web_copy_Transplanted_Rocket_Pioneers.pdf web_copy_Transplanted_Rocket_Pioneers.pdf
File spc_stnv_000028.pdf spc_stnv_000028.pdf
File spc_stnv_000032.pdf spc_stnv_000032.pdf
File spc_stnv_000063.pdf spc_stnv_000063.pdf
File spc_stnv_000065.pdf spc_stnv_000065.pdf
File spc_stnv_000123.pdf spc_stnv_000123.pdf
File HuntsvileDuringtheCivilRightsMovement_Tape7_File8.pdf HuntsvileDuringtheCivilRightsMovement_Tape7_File8.pdf
Item loc_hilt_0000006_0000042.pdf Transcript of a speech given by Wernher von Braun to the Alabama Legislature.
Item spc_lund_0000007.pdf Charles Lundquist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
Item uah_uahp_000202_web.pdf View of a wing of the UAH Research Institute.
Item uah_uahp_000239_web.pdf View of the UAH Research Institute.
Item uah_uahp_000268_web.pdf Students socialize at the UAH sign.
Item uah_uahp_000270_web.pdf Students socialize near the campus lake.
Item uah_uahp_000285_web.pdf Working with a Sperry Rand Univac in the UAH Computer Center at the Research Institute.
Item exponent_19680716.pdf "Science Historians Join With Research Institute."
Item spc_chri_000002.pdf Circular announcing MSFC's involvement with the documentation of the Saturn program at the UAH Research Institute.
Item spc_herm_000004.pdf "Floor Plan of Central Office and Laboratory Building of the Research Institute."
Item uah_uahh_000034.pdf "Recommendations for a consolidated library."
Item spc_stnv_000005.pdf Saturn V history team at the Apollo 10 launch.
Item spc_stnv_000140.pdf Bibliography of AEDC J-2 engine test reports.
Item loc_salm_000564_000567.pdf "Ground Breaking Ceremony, University of Alabama Research Institute, Huntsville, Alabama, December 20, 1962."
Item spc_mcca_000046_web.pdf Photograph of officials examining a framed illustration of the University of Alabama Research Institute, Huntsville.
Item spc_mcca_000047-48_web.pdf University of Alabama in Huntsville Research Institute informational flier.
Item spc_mcca_000085-88_web.pdf "University of Alabama in Huntsville Facts For Prospective Students."
Item spc_mcca_000200-210.pdf "Administrative Order No. 8."
Item spc_mcca_000241-258.pdf "Reports of the Ad Hoc Committee on Development of the University of Alabama in Huntsville."
Item History of Gainesville, News Articles, etc.
Item variorgchartsabmadur19571960_031607111853.pdf Organization charts of ABMA during 1957-1960.
Item Lettmrhelmhorn_081407131852.pdf "Letter to Mr. Helmut J. Horn."
Item univreseinstcont_062107153638.pdf "University and research institute contracts awarded by MSFC."
Item Huntsville .jpg Digitized VHS tape of "Huntsville during the Civil Rights Movement."