UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • Query: Morton Hall
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Record Type Title
Item uah_uahp_0000013_web.pdf Headstone of Lewellen Jones.
Item uah_uahp_0000014_web.pdf Jones family cemetery.
Item uah_uahp_0000015_web.pdf Jones family crypt.
Item uah_uahp_0000074_web.pdf View of Morton Hall with a snowman in the foreground.
Item uah_uahp_000123_web.pdf View of the UAH sign with Morton Hall in the background.
Item uah_uahp_000130_web.pdf Students socializing on the front steps of Morton Hall.
Item uah_uahp_000135_web.pdf View of Morton Hall.
Item uah_uahp_000151_web.pdf View of the stage and crowd at 1970 commencement.
Item uah_uahp_000153_web.pdf View of the crowd and the class of 1970 at commencement.
Item uah_uahp_000157_web.pdf Members of the class of 1970 at commencement.
Item uah_uahp_000162_web.pdf View of the class of 1970 at commencement.
Item uah_uahp_000173_web.pdf View of the crowd at 1970 commencement.
Item uah_uahp_000174_web.pdf View of the crowd at 1970 commencement.
Item uah_uahp_000211_web.pdf View of Morton Hall.
Item uah_uahp_000227_web.pdf View of Morton Hall at night.
Item uah_uahp_000243_web.pdf Kappa Delta sorority members gather in front of Morton Hall.
Item uah_uahp_000274_web.pdf UAH students gather on the front steps of Morton Hall.
Item uah_uahp_000276_web.pdf Students walk to class near Morton Hall.
Item uah_uahp_000297_web.pdf Members of the 1981 Homecoming Court pose outside Morton Hall.
Item uah_uahp_000309_web.pdf Campus scene outside of Morton Hall.
Item uah_uahp_000310_web.pdf Students talk on the front steps of Morton Hall.
Item uah_uahp_000317_web.pdf A new Coke machine arrives in the student lounge on the third floor of Morton Hall.
Item spc_mcca_000027_web.pdf Students using a periodical reading room in the library, then located in Morton Hall.
Item spc_mcca_000028_web.pdf Periodical reading room in the library, then located in Morton Hall.
Item spc_mcca_000029_web.pdf Circulation desk and shelves in the library, then located in Morton Hall.
Item spc_mcca_000030_web.pdf Library furniture in Morton Hall.
Item spc_mcca_000152.pdf Memorandum from the English Department to Charley Scott, H. Clyde Reeves, Philip Mason, and Christel McCanless.
Item spc_mcca_000211.pdf Photograph of library storage in Morton Hall.
Item spc_mcca_000212.pdf Photograph of library storage in Morton Hall.
Item spc_mcca_000213.pdf Photograph of library storage in Morton Hall.
Item spc_mcca_000214.pdf Photograph of library storage in Morton Hall.
Item spc_mcca_000637-643.pdf Document describing the past of the UAH library compared to its present state and future expansion.
Item uah_maso_000001.pdf Letter from Philip M. Mason, Huntsville Center director, to all students.
Item loc_robf_000313_web.jpg Frances Roberts teaching in Morton Hall.
Item img_00743.pdf Morton Hall, University of Alabama, Huntsville Campus
Item img_01217.pdf Morton Hall
Item uah_uahp_000548.pdf History faculty member Frances Roberts in Morton Hall.
Item uah_uahp_000552.pdf Students take a test in Morton Hall.