UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • spacvehiteststan_031907103454.pdf

    One of the pacing items in this Nation's accelerated space program is the construction of facilities for the manufacture, development, testing, check-out, transportation and launching of space vehicles. Behind each successful launching are countless hours of effort in development, quality and reliability checks and tests of engines, components, boosters, and stacked stages; including pressure tests, cold-flow tests and hot firing (or static) tests; all to assure the safest possible trip for the men or instrumentation in the space craft.
  • spc_stnv_000096.pdf

    The memorandum contains a paper titled, "Apollo - Should It Be Committed to Weightlessness." This paper contains information about artificial gravity and the effects of prolonged periods of weightlessness on human beings and chimpanzees.
  • IMG_6545.jpeg

    Eastern pedimental sculpture from the Parthenon depicts the birth of Athena from the head of Zeus. Much of the sculpture from the ancient structure is severely damaged from the passage of time, as well as an explosion, which occurred inside the Parthenon in 1687, as a result of the Turks storing gunpowder inside of the structure. The freestanding sculptures are currently on display in Room 18 of the British Museum in London, England.
  • IMG_6540.jpeg

    The British Museum currently has 247 feet (75 m.) of the original Parthenon frieze within their permanent collection. The frieze was the sculpted high-relief, which adorned the upper part, or naos of the Parthenon. In the exhibit space, each section of the frieze has a placard, which describes the scene depicted on the section of frieze as well as the cardinal direction and number in the frieze series. The marble frieze, which dates c. 438- 432 BC, depicts a Panathenaic procession.
  • IMG_6547.jpeg

    The British Museum currently has fifteen of the ninety-two the original Parthenon metopes within their permanent collection. The metopes, which decorated the exterior of the temple, just above the exterior colonnade depicted a mythological battle between the Lapiths and the centaurs. Many of the metopes are missing hands, feet, knees, arms, and legs.
  • IMG_6555.jpeg

    This metope, one of fifteen in the British Museum's permanent collection depicts chaos erupting between a Lapith and a centaur. The metope is severely damaged, with the Lapith missing both his head and his right leg, below the knee. The centaur is missing both his head, as well as his front right leg.
  • MSFCspecstanandprocmicrrefefileinde.pdf

    This reference file has been prepared in order to identify data contained on microfiche in the MS-D Repository. This index is divided into three sections. Section I - MSFC Specifications, Section II - MSFC Standards, and Section III - MSFC Procedures. This listing will be kept up-to-date and will be published monthly.; Prepared by: RCA Service Company.; April 15, 1968.; Rpt. #005 (handwritten on the cover).
  • loc_burw_-145_193.pdf

    This pamphlet was mailed to a Mr. William Rate. It includes photographs of the commanders, a list of "Those Who Are Still There" to chronicle who died overseas and where, and the history of the 1108th Engineer Combat Group.
  • spc_conr_000001_000002.pdf
  • wheregoingspacemgmt_062907110845.pdf

    Presented to the First Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, Florida, April 21, 1964 by Joseph H. Reed, Chief, Management Analysis Office, Executive Staff, Marshall Space Flight Center at the request of the Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, NASA
  • spc_schu_1858_1860.pdf

    The materials include a congratulatory note from William A. Schulze to von Braun, in which he notes, "To me it appears like yesterday, when we celebrated your 25th birthday in Kummersdorf." Von Braun's response, handwritten on a card, reads: "It was also great to be 25 or so, when we started working together!" Enclosed are instructions from Eberhard Rees encouraging Marshall retirees to send von Braun personalized birthday wishes for inclusion in a bound volume later.
  • spc_stnv_000108.pdf

    This paper focuses on an approach for achieving high reliability within the Navigation, Guidance, and Control systems of the Saturn class launch vehicles.
  • pdf_013108114114.pdf

    Presented to ACHEMA Congress and European Meeting of Chemical Engineering 1967, Frankfurt, Germany, June 21, 1967 by Dr. Eberhard Rees.; Includes slide numbers.
  • Friday__December_1__2017_at_11_58_20_AM_default_77191c8c.mp4

    John H. Reese was born in the Jefferson hospital in Birmingham, AL in 1945. He went to Fairfield High school in Tennessee, and graduated in 1963. He then went to Auburn University and went into Pre-Engineering. John received his engineering degree in 1969. The reason it took him 6 years to graduate is because he had to work his way through school on the cooperative education program. His brother-in-law worked at NASA at the time, and he got John interested in the Space Program. John then decided to co-op with the Marshall Space Flight Center and he applied with the Engineering Cooperative Education office. He then decided to send his resume to NASA, and received a job offer soon after. In this job, he helped do all the structural testing on the various modules and components of the Saturn I and Saturn fives. He was also involved in the Hubble Space Telescope Mock-Up. John's job was to come up with the foot-restraint systems, tether points, etc.
  • spc_mcca_000200-210.pdf

    Sent from H. Clyde Reeves, Vice President for Huntsville Affairs, to all faculty and staff, this order outlines the "current administrative setup in Huntsville of the University of Alabama." The document provides clarification of certain administrative roles, including those of Finance Officer Earl Jacoby, Assistant to the Vice President and Director of Community Relations Philip M. Mason, and Director of Instruction Charley Scott. The order also outlines the structure of academic departments, roles of department chairs, and the organization of the Research Institute. It includes an organizational chart of the university, and pencilled notes have been added by then-head librarian Christel L. McCanless.
  • spc_mcca_000379.pdf
  • spc_reis_000001_001.pdf

    Gerhard Reisig Dipl.-Ing., later Dr. Gerhard Reisig, was a German-American rocket scientist that worked on the team of von Braun at Fort Bliss. This journal covers his journey to the United States under Operation Paperclip, and includes descriptions of his experience to and through his arrival on December 6th, 1946. In this journal, he discusses numerous parts of his travel and experience in the United States including the rail route taken by the group he was in, reviews of two films of the time, comments on fashion and American society, as well as periodic mentions of food culture especially early in the journal. He additionally copies several articles by hand, some in English, some translated, from periodicals, particularly Time magazine.
  • spc_reis_000001_transcript.pdf

    Gerhard Reisig Dipl.-Ing., later Dr. Gerhard Reisig, was a German-American rocket scientist that worked on the team of von Braun at Fort Bliss. This journal covers his journey to the United States under Operation Paperclip, and includes descriptions of his experience to and through his arrival on December 6th, 1946. In this journal, he discusses numerous parts of his travel and experience in the United States including the rail route taken by the group he was in, reviews of two films of the time, comments on fashion and American society, as well as periodic mentions of food culture especially early in the journal. The transcript includes links to copies of the articles he transcribed by hand if they could be found.
  • memotechinfosummsa6_062907085347.pdf

    This memorandum outlines, through a series of sketches with accompanying text, the general features of the sixth SATURN I launch vehicle. The sketches are devoted primarily to the launch vehicle but also presents limited information on the spacecraft, the launch facility and launch preparations. The information presented in this summary was compiled through the efforts of R&DO personnel from P&VE, AERO and ASTR.
  • firshundreco_061107143958.pdf

    Keynote address at National Aeronautics and Space Administration to the American Rocket Society Conference on Launch Vehicle Structures and Materials. Speech focuses on problems facing the structure of Saturn rockets and other space vehicles.
  • loc_salm_000538_000544.pdf

    Richardson's comments include a biographical sketch of Salmon with details of his World War II service, law career, and civic involvement. Richardson also notes Salmon's involvement in the UAH Foundation.
  • spc_nick_000642_000646.pdf

    Richardson writes to the Chief of Manpower prior to Nickerson's letter to the Chief of Manpower of July 25. Richardson states that the orders that Nickerson is not to use duty time to modify the sentence imposed upon him or for appeal is inappropriate and "perhaps illegal". He also states that Nickerson's assignment to the ABMA is unfair and, like Nickerson, requests that he be re-assigned to Redstone Arsenal "until all legal proceedings in this case are complete."
  • Sourcredandpers_040709154214.pdf

    Abstract to "A thesis submitted to the faculty of Purdue University fo Gary Marshall Richetto in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, January 1969".; Handwritten note on front page: Return to Internal Communication, Room 223, 4202.
  • Meteorites and Ballistics_022107151909.pdf

    Technical Report surrounding meteorites and their ballistics.
  • loc_gold_000258_000260.pdf

    W. E. Rinkley tells S. Schiffman that he has already paid the man who built a hen house and garden. He also tells Schiffman that he has reached out to Mr. Landers regarding his taxes and asks Schiffman to reach out and see what is happening there as Landers has not replied to Rinkley.
  • r01a01-09.pdf
  • loc_gold_000294_000294.pdf

    Receipt of payment of $29.00 from Samuel Strauss for land taxes in Kossuth County, Iowa. Signed bythe treasurer, S. S. Rist.

    Contains numerous checks from Baker L. Roberts to numerous people and institutions.

    This folder contains numerous correspondence and letters between Baker L. Roberts and his wife Lucy Lee Cabaniss.

    This folder contains numerous correspondence and envelopes from Septimus D. Cabaniss to Baker L. Roberts.

    This folder contains various document types including bonds, correspondence, deeds, notes, and others.

    This folder contains envelopes and correspondence from Ellen D. Roberts to an unknown individual, potentially Earle Edna.
  • loc_robf_000001_web.pdf

    Roberts received a Bachelor of Science from Alabama State Teachers College in 1937. The college is known today as the University of West Alabama.
  • loc_robf_000003_web.pdf
  • loc_robf_000004_web.pdf
  • loc_robf_000005_web.pdf
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