UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • spc_stnv_000081.pdf

    This document contains the transcription from the Apollo 5 post-launch press conference, including all the questions asked and answers given by participants Major General Samuel C. Phillips, Rocco A. Petrone, and Colonel William Teir.
  • spc_stnv_000088.pdf

    This document contains a transcript of the pre-launch conference, including the questions asked and the answers given by participants William C. Schneider, Rocco A. Petrone, George M. Low, Col. William Teir, Col. Royce Olson, Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., and Eugene F. Kranz.
  • Sds2110.pdf

    The manual comprises a multi-volume set, the contents of which are as follows: VOLUME 1 -- a. Chapter 1 contains a general description of the equipment and its purpose, the physical and functional characteristics, and other pertinent data. b. Chapter 2 describes and illustrates the display set installation considerations. c. Chapter 3 lists and illustrates all operating controls and indicators. Chapter 3 also contains normal and emergency operating instructions.
  • satlauveh_071107124055.pdf

    This security classification guide is a compilation of previous individual classification assignments. Consideration of international affairs, the use and development of advanced technological information, and requirements of flight safety have influenced these assignments.
  • Primtheusmann_051410131715.pdf

    Exerpt from George E. Mueller giving a statement to Congress.
  • spc_stnv_000084.pdf

    According to the purpose found in section 1.1, "Volume I provides a guide for the preparation of specifications for existing equipment in the Apollo/Saturn Program."
  • Presrelenasastar_101507093415.pdf

    Press release describing NASA's plans to begin manned missions set to begin in 1968.
  • Projapol9nasa.pdf

    Press release surrounding the Apollo 9 rocket and its crew prior to launch.
  • resgrantscontr_071707100507.pdf

    Press-release detailing 27 research grants sent to numerous universities.
  • qualassuprovforgoveagen_070207093109.pdf.pdf

    NASA Quality publication that contains requirements designed to facilitate the execution of programs effectively.
  • Antitrust_US_v_American_Telephone_Telegraph_Co_Merged.pdf

    Informational poster with a red header with grey background with purple horizontal lines through it. Poster has main text box in the middle with a green background and white text, outlining the case. Surrounding this box are photographs and documents.
  • Bankruptcy_Studebaker_Corporation_Debtor_Merged.pdf

    Informational poster with a red header with grey background with purple horizontal lines through it. Poster has main text box in the middle with a green background and white text, outlining the case. Surrounding this box are photographs and documents.
  • Labor_National_Labor_Relations_Board_v_Weirton_Steel_Cp_Merged.pdf

    Informational poster with a red header with grey background with purple horizontal lines through it. Poster has main text box in the middle with a green background and white text, outlining the case. Surrounding this box are photographs and documents.

    This section contains information booklets from the National Archives and Records Service as well as correspondence, pamphlets and post cards from Alpine Cave.
  • spc_stnv_000093.pdf

    This paper identifies the support functions performed by MSFC through the Launch Information Exchange Facility (LIEF) during the Apollo Saturn Mission Operations and other facilities required to carry out these functions. It also identifies mission specific documents required for operation. Note that page 20 is missing.
  • loc_salm_000016_000017.pdf

    The top of the front page of the menu reads, "NAAFI-EFI," which stands for "Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes-Expeditionary Forces Institutes." The club was located at the Palais Kinsky, a baroque palace in Vienna, Austria.
  • spc_mcca_000003_web.pdf

    In this letter, John S. Neel, the summer editor of the Crimson-White, the University of Alabama's student newspaper, congratulates the staff of the student-led Twilight Times on their first issue. Neel mentions in the letter how impressive it is that these students are able to produce their paper when they "are just going to school at night and holding down a regular job during the day."
  • spc_stnv_000140.pdf

    Includes a letter to David L. Christensen, Research Institute, University of Alabama, Huntsville, Alabama from James Neely, dated March 18, 1969, with the subject line, "Technical paper entitled 'Start Transient Investigation of the Rocketdyne J-2 engine at Simulated Altitude Conditions.' " The bibliography of all AEDC J-2 engine test reports between July 1966 and Octoebr 1968 is attached.
  • Friday__November_17__2017_at_10_45_21_AM_default_182d3f85.mp4

    Charles Brian Nelson was born in 1938 in Memphis, Tennessee. He received his first degree in Industrial Design at Tennessee Tech. After he graduated from college in 1960, he went to work with the Depot Company where his job was making Titanium Dioxide. Charles stayed at this job for about 5 years, and by encouragement from his friends, he moved to Huntsville to work at NASA. He started out working at a test lab where they were responsible for getting the test bird into the test stand to test it. This job also included testing of vibrations, engine fire, and testing every individual part. After this job, Charles moved into the human factors engineering group. He worked for NASA for about 12 years.
  • loc_burw_-33.pdf
  • loc_burw_-37.pdf
  • spc_nick_000292_000292.pdf

    Neumann calls Nickerson case a "personal matter" and writes that he is rooting for him and that he was the greatest Battalion Commander he had ever had.
  • LettMSFCAttnDrWernVonBraun_090408155515.pdf

    Letter to Wernher von Braun from NASA headquarters regarding Project Highwater and how it was withheld.
  • loc_gold_000346_000346.pdf

    Company secretary, Harry A. Newman, writes to the stockholders informing them of a special meeting where stockholders will be asked to authorize changes in per value to the capital stock.
  • loc_hutc_000206_000217.pdf

    Most likely William Wyeth Newman, these various checks are signed by W. W. Newman from the W. R. Rison Banking Company to various recipients.
  • loc_hutc_000218_000221.pdf

    Written on Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd. letterhead, these pages contain handwritten notes and calculations by W. W. Newman that begin in the 1890s and runs through 1903.
  • loc_hutc_000225_000226.pdf

    Will writes to Ellen about his trip to Canada. He includes various activities and details of the weather.

    Photograph of a Pratt & Whitney rocket engine.
  • loc_gold_000397_000398.pdf

    Newson writes to Milliken about a party who wants to purchase Dallas Mfg. Co. stock though the dividends are low. The second letter details the purchase price the party is willing to pay and if Milliken knows anyone with 100 to 300 shares for sale.
  • satsivcryoweighsyst-I_072007112534.pdf

    In order to achieve maximum vehicle efficiency, it is essential that the vehicle propellants be loaded to desired values and that these propellants approach simultaneous depletion at the end of powered flight. To accomplish precise loading and assure minimum residuals, a highly accurate and repeatable, vehicle located, propellant management (PM) or propellant utilization (PU) system must be used. As the ability to load propellants to predetermined values depends directly on the ability of the system to accurately sense the propellant masses, it is essential that the system be calibrated with respect to propellant mass under conditions resembling those to be experienced during final loading and powered flight. The use of a cryogenic weight system will reduce the unknown factors in capacitance sensor element shaping, tank geometry, and propellant properties to a degree which will permit the determination of propellant masses to with .025%.
  • spc_nick_000112_000112.pdf

    Nichols writes to Bell to inform him of the supoena he received to appear in court on July 2nd. He states that he will proceed as requested unless he hears from Bell with other instructions.
  • spc_nick_000565_000565.pdf

    Nichols writes regarding a letter he received from Lt. Col. Barry that may be of some interest to Bell and the Nickerson case.
  • spc_nick_000293_000295.pdf

    Nichols writes to Nickerson, reminiscing of their time in active duty together in various places and how he held Nickerson in "highest esteem." He expresses concern over charges that indicate espionage, stating that they are "without foundation." He offers to appear in Nickerson's behalf and recommends reaching out to Brigadier General Pickering as well.
  • spc_nick_000057_000060.pdf

    These voluntary statements were made in the office of Robert K. Bell. The first by Mrs. John C. Nickerson and the second by Dr. Wernher von Braun.
  • nickerson_to_pickering.pdf

    In this letter, Nickerson thanks Gen. Pickering for his support and explains why he believes the Army is the best service branch to develop ballistic missiles. He also discusses the need for missiles in case of war with the Soviet Union. Nickerson was a staff officer at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency at Redstone Arsenal assigned to work on the Jupiter, the United States' first mid-range ballistic missile. He was arrested and court martialed for espionage in 1957 after releasing sensitive documents about the United States missile program to the press. At the time, Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson granted the Air Force sole authority to develop intermediate range ballistic missile systems. Nickerson disagreed with this policy, and in response, leaked documents that demonstrated the superiority of Army missiles compared to those developed by the Air Force. He eventually pled guilty to lesser charges and was suspended from the Army for one year and was fined $1,500. Dr. Wernher von Braun was among those who testified on Nickerson's behalf.
  • spc_nick_000043_000044.pdf

    Nickerson thanks Pickering for the letters of support sent to his defense counsel. He also discusses ballistic surface-to-surface missiles and "scientific progress". He ends by requesting a deposition as Pickering will be in Europe in May, when the trial is scheduled to happen.
  • spc_nick_000312_000312.pdf

    In response to Grosse's letter to Dr. Wernher von Braun that had been sent to him, Nickerson thanks him for his offer of assistance in the case and asks if he would consent to appearing as a witness.
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