Film shows Konrad and Kerry Dannenberg visiting a local swimming pool. While unable to swim, Kerry is held by Konrad as he plays in the water. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. "Film Broken - Kerry & Ko at Monte Sano, Swim Club! Outside - in small pool, in big pool - INTERRUPTION / a few feet at home, 3 Sept 68 - Labor Day, glue together!" 1968.
The Abstract states "The four checkout systems developed and utilized by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for acceptance checkout of the Saturn V launch vehicle stages and instrument unit are described. The vehicle's characteristics, test policies, equipment design criteria, and operational factors are reviewed. Following a general description of each checkout system, this paper presents a brief definitive description of each major subsystem test station. These test systems are used for post-manufacturing and post-static firing acceptance checkout. The section related to the S-II stage includes several representative flow diagrams and descriptions of automatic tests. To present in detail the large volume of information describing these four checkout systems would require the writing of four papers."
A document used by the 1917 AIDS Clinic in Birmingham, Alabama to detail out the best practices for the AIDS Care/AIDS Support teams. These concepts were taught in training sessions, and give practices to help volunteers provide the best care possible to patients they are working with. These best practices are also currently used for support teams for other illness than HIV.