Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 5, 1907-1917.
Dublin Core
This Customer Account Ledger contains the credit account information for Harrison Brothers customer transactions from 1907 to 1914. The index at the front of the ledger is organized alphabetically by the customer's last name. Each index page is dived into two columns each listing the customer's name on the left side and the page number of the customer's account on the right. The page numbers reference pages in the ledger where one or multiple accounts are listed. Each customer account page is divided into a debit "D" and credit "C" column separated by a blue line. In the debit column, the year is listed in the left-hand corner of each account with months and days listed in the first two columns. The next column references a customer's transactions in a particular daybook listed as "Note B #" and the page number in the referenced book is listed in the following column. This ledger references transactions in daybooks 6, 7, 8, and 9 located in the University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives and Special Collections. In the credit column, the month and day of a customer's payments are listed in the first two columns. The next column lists each of the dates that a payment was made, the method of payment, and the amount paid (for example: "Cash 1.00 6/3 2.00 7/5"). Many dates and payments are often listed on a single line and added up in the rightmost column on the page. The debit and credit columns are balanced at the bottom of the page or the Harrison Brothers indicated that the customer account was carried to a new page in the ledger. A customer's city of residence is sometimes listed next to the name at the top of a customer account and, if the customer worked in a local cotton mill such as Merrimack, Lowe Mill, West Huntsville, or Bell Factory; the name of the mill is listed in the ledger as "Merrimac", "L.M.", "Dallas", "W.H.", or "Bell Factory Ala".