"Manufacturing plan : Saturn V : booster stage S-IC. Volume 1."
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"Manufacturing plan : Saturn V : booster stage S-IC. Volume 1."
This procedure provides the necessary information for the fabrication and assembly of the Saturn C-5 booster stage S-IC. The manufacturing methods outlined herein represent techniques that will be utilized both at Michoud and MSFC wherever possible. The concepts and methods outlined are of a preliminary nature consistent with the stage of design at this time. These concepts and methods are subject to change. This Manufacturing Plan will be periodically updated to reflect such changes. The processes and techniques proposed in this Manufacturing Plan are generally within the present state of the art, consistent with reliability requirements for manned space flight and advocated for use with the limited manufacturing facilities of the Marshall Space Flight Center and the Michoud Production Facility.; Includes memorandum dated 15 Jan. 1963 from J. H. Chesteen, Chief, Engineering Planning Section. M-ME-SE.; Includes memorandum from J. H. Chesteen and N. E. Johansen to W. B. Edmiston and W. R. Kuers--subject: Integration Boeing-MSFC Manufacturing plan. December 18, 1962.
Temporal Coverage
Saturn V Collection
University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives, Huntsville, Alabama
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George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, “"Manufacturing plan : Saturn V : booster stage S-IC. Volume 1.",” UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives, accessed March 4, 2025, http://libarchstor2.uah.edu/digitalcollections/items/show/11133.