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Oral History Interview With Charles Brian Nelson
Charles Brian Nelson was born in 1938 in Memphis, Tennessee. He received his first degree in Industrial Design at Tennessee Tech. After he graduated from college in 1960, he went to work with the Depot Company where his job was making Titanium Dioxide. Charles stayed at this job for about 5 years, and by encouragement from his friends, he moved to Huntsville to work at NASA. He started out working at a test lab where they were responsible for getting the test bird into the test stand to test it. This job also included testing of vibrations, engine fire, and testing every individual part. After this job, Charles moved into the human factors engineering group. He worked for NASA for about 12 years.Tags Oral History -
Oral History Interview With Dr. John Rogers
Dr. John Rogers is from Kansas, and in Kansas, John loved to drive out into the prarie and find places where there had been homesteads. There, he would lay on the ground and look up at the stars at night. This all inspired him to get involved with the space station, and human factors engineering. John received his Bachelor's degree at Kansas State University, and then he received his Master's degree at The University of Arkansas. At this point, he took up a teaching job in Arkansas, and during that period of time, he recieved a National Science Foundation summer research fellowship at Florida State University. There, John did research on the effects of radiation on the human body. After leaving his teaching job, he went to the University of Mexico to pursue his Phd. While he was there, he was able to be a part of a summer program that pushed him towards his career. Since John did such a great job at the summer program, they kept him on as a consultant where he could work unlimited hours, and work any time he wanted to. The work that he did there included: examining human air and organizations, and considering what was the common factor/the emphasis in the atomic energy. After his job there, he started working at NASA in June of 1967. His job tasks there included: looking at the simulations and to look at the experimental design. He also had to try to make sure that they had solid statistics behind their results that were being detained.Tags Oral History -
Oral History Interview With Joe Phillipauldy
Joe Phillipauldy is originally from Central, New Jersey. He did his undergraduate training at the University of Richmond in Virginia, and then he received his Master's degree at Villanove University. He then when on to get his graduate degree, and completed the program in 1984. His degree was in Experimental Psychology. In 1986, he accepted a job position with the Creatis Systems Tech Staff at Boeing Military Airplanes in Kansas. His first Human Engineering job was with Tech Staff. A project he spent a lot of time on was the Airforce I VC25 747 Presidential Replacement Program. With this, he did a workload analysis of the navigator crew station. After this work, Joe got involved with the Human Factors and Industrial Applications group. There, he ran task terms around the factory floor doing analyses and reporting on ergonomics issues on assembling vehicles. Later, he was able to work on the Space Station Vehicle Integration Contract in Huntsville, AL.Tags Oral History -
Oral History Interview With Kim B. Robertson
Kim B. Robertson is a retired Design Engineer, and has lived in Huntsville, AL his whole life. He grew up in the Monte Santo Mountain area where most of the German scientists on Von Braun's missile team lived, so being involved with the Space Station was always a part of his life growing up. He knew from an early age that Huntsville was where he always wanted to live, and this is the area that he wanted to work in. Robertson eventually went to Auburn University where he was able to work on a Marshall project. He was able to work on the Industrial Design team there, and he, along with his group, was asked to do some design work to get ideas for Skylab and the Space Station. After graduating from Auburn, he joined the National Guard with a year of active duty. While being in the National Guard, he became a ground-radio maintenance technician. His first job in Huntsville was working at URS Matrix, and there he worked on the hand-controller for the shuttle arm. He also did some volumetric studies for putting experiments in the back part of the shuttle work-area.Tags Oral History -
Oral History Interview With Charles M. Louis
As a kid, Charles M. Louis loved to take things apart and put them back together. He also was inspired as a kid while reading a Life magazine article with Wernher Von Braun standing next to the Saturn V engine at the age of 15. Since he was an avid Science Fiction reader at the time, this all inspired him to become involved with the Space Program, and to eventually become a licensed hand radio operator. In college, he pursued an Electrical Engineering degree, and he flunked out of college becasue the classes were too big. Because of this, he decided to change schools and go to the Detroit Institue of Technology. There, he was more successful because of the smaller class sizes. After graduating college, he was hired at Boeing in Seattle, Washington. At Boeing, he was involved in Test Engineering supporting UHF and Microwave antennas on the Minuteman Program. Boeing then got a contract for the Saturn V Program 8 months after Charles started working there. He decided he would rather work on the Space Program then the military side, so he decided to move down to Huntsville, AL to work on the program.Tags Oral History -
Oral History Interview With John H. Reese
John H. Reese was born in the Jefferson hospital in Birmingham, AL in 1945. He went to Fairfield High school in Tennessee, and graduated in 1963. He then went to Auburn University and went into Pre-Engineering. John received his engineering degree in 1969. The reason it took him 6 years to graduate is because he had to work his way through school on the cooperative education program. His brother-in-law worked at NASA at the time, and he got John interested in the Space Program. John then decided to co-op with the Marshall Space Flight Center and he applied with the Engineering Cooperative Education office. He then decided to send his resume to NASA, and received a job offer soon after. In this job, he helped do all the structural testing on the various modules and components of the Saturn I and Saturn fives. He was also involved in the Hubble Space Telescope Mock-Up. John's job was to come up with the foot-restraint systems, tether points, etc.Tags Oral History -
Oral History Interview With Allen Ware
Allen Ware is originally from Atlanta Georgia. He attended Auburn University where he studied Industrial Design . He moved to Huntsville, AL in 1983 to work for a company called "Essex." He worked there from 1983-1991. There, he produced a variety of things. First, he helped produce the Hubble Space Telescope mock-up and crew trainers. Then, he produced some other shuttle mock-ups. After leaving "Essex," he started to work at Boeing in Huntsville where he worked on the International Space Station. There, Ware was an internal and external packager configurator. He did that job for 15 years. He then transitioned to support the Delta IV launch vehicle out of Decatur. There, he did secondary structure design for Delta IV components. Ware is currently an Engineering manager of a Mechanical design team. He has about 15 engineers under him that do spacecraft, aircraft, and launch-vehicle design.Tags Oral History -
Oral History Interview With John Ofenloch
John Ofenloch was born in Chicago, Ilinois and was raised there. He received his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at Christian Brother's University in Memphis, Tennessee. When he graduated college, he accepted a job with North American Aviation in Downey, California. In Downey was the North American Aviation Space and Information Division which had the contract for the Apollo Command Service Module. Ofenloch's responsibility while he was out there was the Apollo Command Module Earth re-entry. His job was to make sure that the Command Module was capable of bringing the astronauts back safely to Earth. After he was through with the tests of the command module, he went to Brown Engineering in Huntsville, AL to work with zero gravity and the effects on the humans and the vehicle.Tags Oral History