Back: The Uprated Saturn I launch vehicle (SA-202) is surrounded by the service structure on the launch pad at the NASA - Kennedy Space Center, Fla. The Marshall Center, Huntsville, Ala., developed the Saturn launch vehicle.
Back: The second Uprated Saturn I launch vehicle (designated AS-203) stands on the launch pad at Cape Kennedy. Blunt nosecone replaced the Apollo spacecraft for this special flight. This was a liquid hydrogen test to determine how liquid hydrogen reacted in space. Television comeras were in the top of the second stage's liquid hydrogen tank. The Saturn was developed at MSFC, Huntsville, AIabama.
Marshall Space Flight Center director Bill Lucas is shown at right. The Alabama chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers awarded landmark status to the Redstone Test Stand in 1979.
The Preface states "This is a directory of industry, University, and Federal contacts who are involved in the areas of Management Science, Behavioral Science, Operations Research , Cybernetics, and Organizational Structure and Behavior. The listing represents a variety of disciplines -- Sociology, Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychiatry, Anthropology, Statistics, History, Public Administration, Political Science, Economics, Systems Analysis, Ecology,and General Systems Theory."