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"Appendix to Chapter II of a Survey of Various Vehicle Systems for the Manned Lunar Landing Mission."
This appendix includes various diagrams of orbital launch vehicles, graphs of propellant and tankweight, returnpayload, and lift-off requirements, velocity requirements for a manned lunar mission, multiple drawings for the Saturn C-3 vehicles, lunar mission payloads, information of vehicle size, and a summary of the Saturn C-3 lunar mission. -
"Application of Data to Design: Design of Space Vehicle Structures for Vibration and Acoustic Environments."
According to the abstract, this paper discusses the need for a uniform design approach throughout the aerospace industry for space vehicle structural vibrations in order to keep pace with improvements in environment definition and testing. -
"Application of Nuclear Propulsion to the Mars Manned Landing Mission."
This report has been prepared to provide Aerojet management and the interested NASA offices with nuclear propulsion decision aid data. The primary intent of these analyses is to evaluate potential space missions which may utilize nuclear propulsion in an effort to determine the most desirable characteristics of a nuclear propulsion system. -
"Application of Saturn Systems to Orbit Launch Operations."
Presented at the AIAA/AAS Stepping Stones to Mars Meeting, this paper compares the "payload velocity spectrum for existing and future missions" with Saturn V capabilities. -
"Application of the Saturn V Launch Vehicle to Unmanned Scientific Exploration of the Solar System."
According to the foreword, "This paper presents the results of a twelve-week mission and systems analysis of a combined Jupiter orbiter/solar probe mission utilizing the Saturn V launch vehicle." -
"Approach in Achieving High Reliability for Saturn Class Vehicles."
This paper focuses on an approach for achieving high reliability within the Navigation, Guidance, and Control systems of the Saturn class launch vehicles. -
"April 1956, Our roses and silly kids- the Healds + Bramlet in our pool."
Ingeborg and Klaus showing blooming flowers in back garden. Klaus, Konrad and others enjoying the backyard pool, 5901 Jumilla Ave, spring 1956. -
"Armed Forces Voter Week Begins Aug. 27; Oh, My Vote Won't Mean Much!; I don't have time to study the issues.; Why vote? It's already decided!; What's Your Excuse?"
Airplane with Uncle Sam and hot air balloons -
"Army Exchange Ration Card - European Theater."
The card was issued to and signed by M. Louis Salmon.