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Space Business Daily, January 19, 1966.
This is Vol. 24, No. 13 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the termination of the High-Boost Experiment program, upcoming hearings of NASA's plans for Voyager, expanded efforts of space-related areas into the field of oceanography, the delay of the MOL program by one year, the first four Apollo Applications experiments are defined, the final part of recommendations of a post-Apollo space program, topics on Future Space Business, the investigation of anti-air warfare systems, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations. -
Space Business Daily, January 20, 1966.
This is Vol. 24, No. 14 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include hearings conducted by the Oversight Subcommittee, the European space industry concerns, the testing of the Lunar Hopper, the two phase program for defining the Apollo Applications program, contracts awarded to develop of 12-man communications system, economic and financial changes and impacts, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations. -
Space Business Daily, January 21, 1966.
This is Vol. 24, No. 15 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the ill-fated Advanced Orbiting Solar Observatory is replaced by the Apollo Applications flights, the delay of the European trip for international space cooperation talks, part two of the European space industry concerns, the selection of the first Apollo crew, the first test of the Air Force astronaut maneuvering unit, the success of the sixth Apollo abort test, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations. -
Space Business Daily, January 24, 1966.
This is Vol. 24, No. 16 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include AOSO experiments to be carried by the Apollo Telescope Orientation Mount, the deadline for the post-Apollo program, problems with the 1967 budget, the pending agreement between NASA and the Department of the Interior's Geological Survery, the successful firing of a hydrazine engine, an analysis on ComSat profusion, interest in the ComSat membership expressed by various nations, the upcoming Gemini VIII recovery, the schedule for the Apollo program and Apollo Applications, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations. -
Space Business Daily, January 25, 1966.
This is Vol. 24, No. 17 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include a analytical review of NASA's 1967 budget, the total expenditure request by President Johnson for space exploration and exploitation, the MOL program and various aspects within, an update on the Space-Oceanography program, various contracts awarded, the development of a cooling system for the Precision Recovery Including Maneuvering Entry program, tables that show the NASA appropriation and budget plan, including allotments for research and development programs, manned space flights, space science and applications, advanced research and technology, technology utilization, and the defense budget. -
Space Business Daily, January 26, 1966.
This is Vol. 24, No. 18 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the NASA budget impact on various programs including the Apollo Applications program, the Gemini Program, the Apollo program, the Saturn IB development, and more, further budget and funding information, the questioning of the separate Apollo ComSat system, ICBM development potential in China, the crew selection for Gemini X, and the budget plan for the construction of facilities and space operating expenses. -
Space Business Daily, January 27, 1966.
This is Vol. 24, No. 19 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the National Space Program total budget and its breakdown, Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments, confirmation of Soviet ComSat system, the decline in missile procurement, the United States support a proposal for an international conference in 1967, topics on Future Space Business, the potential for space-borne voice-controlled computers, and DOD negotiations. -
Space Business Daily, January 28, 1966.
This is Vol. 24, No. 20 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the Red China threat and the multiple programs associated with the necessary defenses, the feasibility of a manned space shuttle proven by McDonnell and Northrop Norair, the questioning of NASA and DOD cooperative agreements, another breakdown of various aspects of the National Space Program budget, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations. -
Space Business Daily, January 31, 1966.
This is Vol. 24, No. 21 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include penetration aids development, the possibility of the AA space shuttle test, U.S. defense capability for a possible nuclear attack, the first test firings of the flight-model Saturn V first stage, changes in earnings and other financial impacts, "the general nuclear war problem," topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA grants, contracts, and negotiations. -
Space Business Daily, Space Log, January 1966.
This is the Space Log, a monthly publication for the Space Business Daily newsletter. The Space Log includes a detailed timeline of space activity and research over the course of the month, and a space flight log for January.