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  • spacebusinessdaily_19660224.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 37 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the call for immediate awarding of Voyager contracts, set backs on the Surveyor project and the classification of various launch dates, data from the Soviet's Luna IX, NASA long-range goals, the cancellation of Gemini land recovery plans, British Navy shifting to missile power and the confirmation of their purchase of 50 F-111A aircraft, changes in earnings and other financial information, and the rescheduling of the launch of two twin OV satellites.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660225.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 38 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include hearing decisions on the Air Force's pending launch of five Manned Orbiting Laboratories from California instead of Florida, contracts for five Apollo lunar surface drills, NASA's order of new attitude control engine for space maneuvering, the rescheduling of Saturn IB's first test flight launch, the planned 1967 Mariner missions to Venus, plans for a new Mars mission probe, the defense of Gemini plans to Congress, a detailed breakdown of Defense Secretary's funding position for space and missile projects for 1967, the successful second test firing of Aerojet's motor, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660228.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 39 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the ordering of seven-segment solid motors by the Air Force Space Systems Division for the MOL program, concern over the presented Apollo Applications plans for a manned space flight, the potential operational communications satellite system for tactile messages between warring units, another postponement of the Saturn IB launch, budget requirements in 1968 for the SNAP 8 program to continue, part twoi of the detailed breakdown of the Defense Secretary's funding position for space and missile projects for 1967, various business acquisitions and changes in earnings, the plans for a new facility to be built to house ramjet experimentation, topics on Future Space Business, and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660203.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 23 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the intiation of an Air Force manned space shuttle program, part two of the previously recommended space-astronomy program, the success of the second Surveyor landing test, the commissioning of the development of a valveless subliming solid control rocket that produces approximately one-millionth of a pound of trust, topics in Future Space Business, and DOD negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660204.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 24 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the successful completion of the first soft landing of a spacecraft on the lurain by the Soviet Union, the study of propellants for air-augmented rockets, ComSat's plans to build a U.S. ground station, part three of the previously recommended space-astronomy program, the "technology gap" between the United States and Europe, changes in earnings and other financial information, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660207.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 25 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the transcription of photos from the Soviet's successful soft landing of Lunik IX, the confirmation of manned circumlunar flights, an analysis of Sputnik, the effects of the Soviet's Lunik IX on the Surveyor, the "disappointing" post-Apollo data, the updated Gemini agreement, NASA's order of Apollo medical kits and the delivery of a prototype of a lunar tool box, changes in earnings and other financial information, part four of the recommended space-astronomy program, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660208.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 26 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the integration of an Apollo mapping/survey system, further analysis of Soviet techniques through the Lunik IX soft-lander and other information regarding the spacecraft, plans for various upcoming tests and launches, the study of nuclear generator burnup, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660209.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 27 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the first flight of the lunar soft-lander Surveyor, the possibility of a manned circumlunar flight of Apollo, the expectation of a Franco-Soviet space agreement, a call from England for U.S./Soviet space cooperation, possible locations for the ComSat US ground station, a report of the Soviet soft-lander Lunik IX and accompanying photos, topics on Future Space Business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660110.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 6 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the development of a control system for Minuteman missile systems, solar cells needed for a solar satellite monitoring mission, various planned programs, the possible deferment of the Apollo lunar landing target date, potential tax increase plans are considered to fund the Vietnam War and the Great Society program, Saturn configurations under study, upcoming meetings and conferences, topics on future space business, and DOD and NASA contracts and negotiations.
  • spacebusinessdaily_19660111.pdf

    This is Vol. 24, No. 7 of Space Business Daily, a Space Publications newsletter. Topics include the France-Israel missile collaboration, the turning over of portions of the Apollo Applications program to various government agencies, the proposed expanded family of Saturn vehicles, additional analysis of re-entry systems begin, budget changes/requests and federal spending information, NASA grants, and various topics on Future Space Business.