UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • Loc_burw-829.pdf

    Photograph number 603. This photograph shows a street in Amalfi, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-830.pdf

    Photograph number 604. This photograph shows the coast in Amalfi, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-831.pdf

    Photograph number 605. This photograph shows buildings in Amalfi, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-832.pdf

    Photograph number 606. This photograph shows buildings on the coast of Amalfi, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-833.pdf

    Photograph number 607. This photograph shows a statue of Flavio Gioia in Amalfi, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-834.pdf

    Photograph number 608. This photograph shows a map on the side of a building in the Piazza Flavio Gioia in Amalfi, Italy. A note at the bottom of the map reads: "Contra hostes fidei semper pugnavit Amalphis" which roughly translates to: "Amalfi has alwys fought the enemies of the faith." The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw-835.pdf

    Photograph number 609. This photograph shows the coast in Amalfi, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • loc_burw- -836.pdf
  • loc_burw- -837.pdf

    There is a second man whose body is in the frame.
  • loc_burw- -838.pdf