[FCR wrote her MA dissertation on the manumission of the Townsend slaves, and this ledger and some other few documents were not included in her material sent to the Hoole Library at Tuscaloosa.] S. D. Cabaniss served as executor for the Townsend estates. These accounts are for quite substantial notes. A few pages in the back included religious writings and one page of bills.
Addressed to "Madam", this letter details a clearance sale on all boys' clothing as it is needing to be cleared out to make room for other merchandise.
This notice by William Thomas Hutchens written on stationary from the office of the Postmaster describes the dissolving of Hutchens & Murdock due to the "ill health" of Andrew J. Murdock and the recommendation of his physician to "seek a new climate."
This brief notice states that the firm of Hutchens and Montgomery is dissoved by "mutual consent." It is signed by William Thomas Hutchens and J. E. Montgomery.
Photograph number 20. This photograph shows the nurses' quarters in Ayn al-Turk, Algeria. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
Photograph number 10. This photograph shows the nurses' quarters in Ayn al-Turk, Algeria. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
Front: Oaklawn Plantation, Huntsville, Alabama Back: OAKLAWN PLANTATION, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA This is but one of many outstanding Ante-Bellum homes in the area. Its present owner, Mr. Max Luther, has modernized the building without losing any of its gracious beauty, surrounded by almost 200 acres which is now being operated as a stock farm.