UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (4797 total)

  • daily_accounts_book3_440_no36Asst_no8Lamp.Jpeg

    This image of a C.C. Smith transaction from December 8, 1903, is cropped from page 444 in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 3, 1901-1903. C.C. Smith was from Eva Alabama, as noted at the top of the transaction. In this transaction, C.C. Smith purchased 1#36 asst., 1#8 lamp asst., 1 novelty asst, 2 doz. opal chicks, 1 doz. rabbits, and 1 doz. #150 syrup cans for $55.25. The no. 36 and no. 8 lamp assortments were advertised as special deals offered only by Harrison Brothers.
  • loc_hbhc_No.36 Special (2).pdf

    This is an image of a Harrison Brothers advertisement for the "Original Package No. 36 Special." The text at the top of the page states "Harrison Brothers, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in China, Glass, Tin, Enameled Steelware, Cutlery, Paper and Paper Bags. Original Package No. 36 Special. Ironstone China, Plain and Decorated." The items included in the special and the prices are listed in the center of the page. The Harrison Brothers' terms are written in small print at the bottom of the page.
  • loc_hbhc_No.8_Lamp_Assortment_White.pdf

    The text at the top of this Harrison Brothers advertisement states "Harrison Brothers, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in China, Glass, Tin, Enameled Steelware, Cutlery, Paper and Paper Bags. No. 8 Lamp Assortment. Colors in Blue, Green & Crystal, With Plain Chimneys." Below this text is listed each of the items included in the assortment and the price. The small print at the bottom of the page details the Harrison Brothers' terms.
  • loc_hbhc_No.35_Special.pdf

    This is an image of a Harrison Brothers advertising pamphlet for the No. 35 special, the first Queensware product sold by the store. The text at the top of the left page states "Harrison Bros., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Queensware, Glassware, Tobacco, Cigars, Paper, Paper Bags, Etc. Huntsville, Ala,-----1900." The inscription in small print below is an announcement for new Queensware and glassware products. The page on the right side of the image lists the items included in the No. 35 Special and the price.

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