UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • img_00929.pdf

    Front: Motor Rest
    Back: Enjoy your visit in Huntsville, Ala. Stop at the MOTOR REST. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Windham, Owners. Innerspring Mattresses - Hot and Cold Water in all Rooms - Shower Baths - Insulated and Steam Heated - Free Parking Space. 406 Madison St., 2nd Block off Court Square. Phone 1383 On Route 241 & 38.
  • Loc_burw--2001.pdf

    This photograph was likely taken during Alabama Army National Guard field training exercises at Fort McClellan, near Anniston, Alabama.
  • Loc_burw--2005.pdf

    This photograph was likely taken during Alabama Army National Guard field training exercises at Fort McClellan, near Anniston, Alabama.
  • img_00909.pdf

    Front: South Memorial Parkway, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA
    Back: Mountain View Motel, South Memorial Parkway, HUNTSVILLE. ALABAMA, Phone JE 2-5483.
    Attractively furnished Units with Tile Baths, Electric Heat. Air Conditioned. Convenient to Modern Restaurant, Beauty Salon. Skating Rink and Bowling Alley.
    Located 1-1/2 miles from Heart of the Rocket City.
  • loc_hbhc_ledger1_000223 (67)_MrsLJHughes.Jpeg

    This is a Mrs. L.J. Hughes account page on page 5 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904. Transactions and payments on this account page date from October 21, 1897, to August 28, 1899. The balance book pages referenced here coorespond to Harrison Brother Hardware Company daybook 1, 1896-1898 and Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902.
  • daily_accounts_book2_251_MrsLJHughes.pdf

    This image of a Mrs. L.J. Hughes transaction from April 17, 1899, is cropped from page 253 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902. In this transaction, Mrs. L.J. Hughes purchased a tobacco product and paid $13.20 to her customer account. The Harrison Brothers sold primarily tobacco products until March 1900 and Mrs. L.J. Hughes was one of only a few women to be a frequent tobacco customer and have a customer account. The transaction on this page corresponds to page 5 in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904.
  • daily_accounts_book2_362_LBarclift.pdf

    This image of a Mrs. Lizzie Barclift and an L. Barclift transaction from December 5, 1899, is cropped from page 366 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902. In these transactions, Mrs. Lizzie Barclift purchased tobacco products and paid $9.31 to her customer account. The Harrison Brothers sold primarily tobacco products until March 1900 and Mrs. Lizzie Barclift was one of only a few women to be a frequent tobacco customer and have a customer account. The transaction on this page corresponds to the Mrs. Lizzie Barclift account page 497 in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904.
  • loc_hbhc_ledger1_000223 (549)_MrsLizzieBarclift.Jpeg

    This is the Mrs. Lizzie Barclift account page on page 497 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904. Transactions and payments on this account page date from February 4, 1899, to September 4, 1900. The balance book pages referenced here coorespond to Harrison Brother Hardware Company daybook 2, 1896-1898.