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    Back: Field exercise maintainance of Hawk anti-aircraft missile at Missile and Munitions Center and School at Redstone Arsenal near Huntsville, Ala.
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    A Zeus Missile - part of the Army's Nike-X Anti-Missile System - is posed in front of the Goddard House at Redstone Arsenal, Ala., home of the U. S. Army Missile Command. The Goddard House is an old plantation house taken over by the Army when the Arsenal was established near Huntsville in 1941.
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    Back: MISSILE DISPLAY & PUBLIC PICNIC AREA, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.
    This is one of the many outdoor displays provided to enlighten, encourage and inspire visitors to the area. Sights like this, provide a feeling of safety and security that you can't purchase with a can of insecticide.
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    Back: Spaceships, moon buggies, rocket engines and exhibits about space travel fill the multi-million dollar Alabama Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville. The new space center, World's largest missile and space exhibit, highlights the equipment used by U. S. astronauts to explore the moon. The Center is located west of Huntsville on Highway 20, and operates seven days a week.
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    Back: THE REDSTONE, CORPORAL, NIKE-AJAX AND HONEST JOHN GUIDED MISSILES REDSTONE ARSENAL, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA. Redstone Arsenal is the Army Ordnance research and development center for rockets and guided missiles. It is here where the army developed its guided missiles, including the mighty Jupiter C, which launched the Explorer, the United States first Earth Satellite.
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    Back: ALABAMA SPACE AND ROCKET CENTER. America's Largest Missile and Space Exhibit, Tranquility Base, Huntsville, Alabama 35807. The Rocket Park consists of the world's largest collection of rockets and space vehicles on display to the general public. From left to right, visitors view the Mercury / Atlas , Mercury / Redstone, Jupiter, V-2, Juno II, Saturn I, Redstone, Jupiter C.
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    Back: The Alabama Space and Rocket Center contains the world's largest collection of missiles, rockets, and space vehicles. A full scale Apollo Saturn V moon rocket is exhibited in a horizontal position and is one of the featured attractions on the 35 acre complex. The exhibition Center is owned and operated by the State of Alabama and is opened every day, located west of downtown Huntsville on Alabama Highway 20.
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    Back: ALABAMA SPACE AND ROCKET CENTER. America's largest Missile and Space Exhibit. Tranquility Base, Huntsville, Alabama 35807. The Alabama Space and Rocket Center is the largest missile and space exhibit in the world. It was dedicated by the citizens of Alabama to those Americans who made it possible for man to walk on the moon and to explore the universe; and to the youth of America who will utilize space technology for the benefit of mankind.
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    Back: SPACEDOME LOBBY, Huntsville, Ala. A large Space Shuttle model is dramatically displayed in the lobby of the Spacedome theater which features space and science films. The Spacedome adjoins Earths Largest Space Museum at the Space & Rocket Center.
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    An Army surface-to-surface artillery guided missile. The Lacrosse system consists of three basic units the missile, which is a solid fuel rocket, a launcher mounted on a standard Army truck, and a guidance station. The Lacrosse is capable of delivering a variety of warheads, at the direction of the combat commander, with precision accuracy.