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  • img_01041.pdf

    Front: MSFC
    Back: The first flight Saturn V booster is shown being hauled into a giant test stand at NASA - MarshalI Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama (Redstone Arsenal). The booster will be captive fired here. Stage's five F-1 engines produce 7.5 million pounds thrust.
  • img_01043.pdf

    Back: Dr. Wernher von Braun, director of the NASA - Marshall Space Flight Center, is shown with rocket models and hardware at the Huntsville, Alabama space installation.
  • img_01045.pdf

    Back: The 7.5 million pound thrust Saturn V first stage is static tested at the NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. Five F-l engines power the stage. The stage will be the booster for the first Saturn V launched. This vehicle is scheduled for launch this year (1967).
  • img_01047.pdf

    Back: This is on artist's conception of the Apollo/Saturn V vehicle leaving on the first leg of the moon journey. The three stage vehicle will be launched from Cape Kennedy, Fla. and will carry three astronauts to the moon and back. The Saturn was developed at MSFC, Huntsville, Alabama.
  • img_01049.pdf

    Back: This is the assembly floor at the NASA - Michoud Assembly facility at New Orleans, La. The large assembly building has some 40 acres under one roof. Boosters shown here are first stages for the Uprated Saturn I launch vehicle. The Saturn was developed at Marshall Space Center, Huntsville, Alabama.
  • img_01051.pdf

    Back: Super Guppy aircraft, operated under NASA contract and owned by Aero-Space Lines, Inc., Van Nuys, Calif. Used to haul Saturn S-IVB stage from West Coast to Cape Kennedy. Also used to carry other large rocket stages and components.
  • img_01053.pdf

    Back: This is on artist's drawing of the six wheel General Motors built Mobility Test Article. The vehicle is being built by GM and tested by NASA. The concept will be used to design a vehicle for use on the moon. MSFC, at Redstone Arsenal, directs the work.
  • img_01055.pdf

    Front: Saturn I
    Back: The eighth Saturn I launch vehicle launched from the NASA-Kennedy Space Center, Fla., (vehicle designated SA-9) is shown leaving the launch pad on Feb. 16,1965. The Saturn was developed at Marshall Space Center, HuntsviIle, Alabama.
  • img_01057.pdf

    Front: MTO
    Back: A ground test modal of the Saturn V second stage (S-ll ) is lifted into a recently completed captive test stand at the Mississippi Test Operations in Hancock County, Miss. The NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center's Mississippi Test Operations will be used for captive firing the S-ll flight stages. Ground test stage was manufactured to test out S-ll systems and the ground test facilities.
  • img_01059.pdf

    Back: The second Uprated Saturn I launch vehicle (designated AS-203) leaves the launch pod at Cape Kennedy, Fla., on July 5, 1966. Saturn was developed at MSFC, Huntsville, Alabama.