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  • img_00931.pdf

    Front: La Carlos Motel, U. S. Highways 231 and 431, Meridianville, Ala.
    Back: LA CARLOS MOTEL, 8 Miles North of Huntsville on U.S. Highways 231 and 431, Meridianville, Alabama. New brick. Air conditioned optional. Electrically heated. Furnished with the best. Wall to wall carpet. Ceramic tile bath, box spring. Beauty Rest Mattresses. Radio in every room. Restaurant adjoining. Owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Miller, Phone 4770R
  • img_00933.pdf

    Front: La Carlos Motel, Huntsville, Ala., 2 Miles North of By-pass, on U. S. Highways 231 & 431.
    Back: LA CARLOS MOTEL, Huntsville. Alabama. Restaurant adjoining. Co-Owned & Operated by Mr. & Mrs. L.D. Miller, Phone Jefferson 6 -2524, P. O. Address: Meridianville. Alabama.
  • img_00935.pdf

    Front: La Carlos Motel, Highway 241, Meridianville, Ala.
    Back: LA CARLOS MOTEL, 8 miles North of Huntsville, on Highway 241, Meridianville, Alabama. New brick, air-conditioned optional. Electrically heated. Furnished with the best in furniture. Wall to wall carpet. Ceramic tile bath, box spring. Beauty Rest mattresses. Radio In every room. Restaurant adjoining.
    Owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. C. M. and J. S. Brewer.
  • img_00941.pdf

    Front: El Rose Motel, U.S. 231N and 241N Inside City, Huntsville, Alabama.
    Back: EL ROSE MOTEL, 15 Air conditioned brick units - Hot water heat - Private tiled baths - Simmons equipped throughout.
    Owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacks and Iva Jean Jacks. In City Limits on U.S. 231N and 241N on Florida Short Route. Phone 281
  • img_00943.pdf

    Front: El Rose Motel, Air-Conditioned, Huntsville, Alabama
    Back: EL ROSE MOTEL, Located of By Pass on City Route. Downtown - Huntsville
    Television Lounge and in Rooms Optional. Good Food - Air-Conditioned - Fully Carpeted.
    707 Meridian St. Dial JE 2-5971. Owned and Operated by Mr. L Mrs. Roy Jacks.
  • img_00945.pdf

    Front: The Charles Motel, Huntsville, Ala., 2 Miles North of By-pass, on U.S. Highways 231 & 431.
    Back: THE Charles MOTEL, THE Charles RESTAURANT, Huntsville, Alabama.
    Owned & Operated by Mr. & Mrs. L.D. Miller, Phone JEfferson 6-2524, P.O. Address: Meridianvllle, Alabama
  • img_00947.pdf

    Front: El Rose Motel on U.S. Hwy. 241, Huntsville, Ala.
    Back: El Rose Motel. Huntsville's Newest and Finest Ultra Modern Brick Units, Hot Water Heat, Private Tile Baths, Simmons Equipped Throughout. Owned and Operated by Mr. & Mrs. Roy Jacks and Daughter. In City Limits. Highway 241 N. on Florida Short Route. Phone 281 - Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00949.pdf

    Back: SHERATON MOTOR INN, 4404 University Drive (72W), Huntsville, Alabama, Phone: (205) 837-3250. In the Heart of The Rocket City.
  • img_00951.pdf

    Back: SHERATON MOTOR INN, 4404 University Drive (72W), Huntsville, Alabama, Phone: (205) 837-3250. Convenient to Jetport, Research Facilities, Redstone Arsenal and Marshall Flight Center
  • img_00953.pdf

    Front: Maple Grove Cottages, Huntsville, Ala. U. S. 241 N. 1 mi.
    Back: MAPLE GROVE COTTAGES, member AAA, American Motor Hotel Association, American Motel Association. Every cottage with private bath, insulated, automatic heat, cross ventilation, ceiling fans.