This list shows the locations and active dates of the 95th Evacuation Hospital stations. The times are highlighted for the locations in Anzio, Riardo, and Carinola, Italy.
This image of a Lizzie Barclift transaction and payment from May 29, 1900, is cropped from page 441 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902. In this transaction, Lizzie Barclift purchased various Queensware and home furnishing items and paid $9.70 to her customer account. The Harrison Brothers began selling Queensware, crockery, and various home furnishing items in March 1900. The transaction on this page corresponds to the Mrs. Lizzie Barclift account page 497 in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904.
Various loan contracts for livestock and equipment between I. Schiffman and customers including Moses Johnson, J. C. Todd, Gus Williams, Tom and B. F. Wyley, Henry Rice, and I. K. Carter.