Photograph number 306. This photograph shows the Gp Headquarters in Mignano, Italy in the Province of Caserta. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
Back: GRAND CLEANERS. FUR STORAGE Since 1920 801 FRANKLIN STREET, E. SHELBY JOHNSON, Prop., HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA DON'T LET MILDEW AND MOTHS ROB YOUR CLOTHES OF THEIR NEW LOOK. Store Winter Garments in air that's Cool and Fresh and Dry. Huntsville's Most Modern Wearing Apparell Storage Vaults. They are INSURED. GRAND CLEANERS, 801 Franklin St.
Front: Historic Huntsville Back: Historic Huntsville, Alabama. ALABAMA A & M COLLEGE. GREEN BOTTOM INN, one of Huntsville's earliest hostelries, was located on Meridian Pike on site now occupied by Alabama A & M. Built in 1815 by John Connelly, the inn attained widespread fame for its adjoining race track, over which many of the outstanding race horses of the period competed. Gen. Andrew Jackson, an avid follower of the sport, often stopped here to race his horses and fight his cocks. For many years the table where he dined was preserved.
Front: Greetings from Huntsville, ALA. Huntsville Spring in Winter. Court House. Back: Private Mailing Card. Authorized by Act of Congress May 19, 1898.