Frederick Ball Houses, also known as the Lane houses, built c. 1810. Federal period. Consist of one large house and two small townhouses. The large house is located to the north at 136 Habersham St. while the townhouses are numbers 138 and 142 Habersham St. in Savannah, Georgia. Includes historical reference photographs of other structures in the vicinity.
Borders-Blackman House, built c. 1840. Late-Federal period "I" type house. Located north of Anniston, Alabama. The master carpenters who built the residence, Lev and Griff, were enslaved to John Borders, the first resident of the home.
Pulaski Square Infill House, also known as the New Mills Lane House. Greek Revival style. Located in Pulaski Square in Savannah, Georgia. Built on the lot of what once was a c. 1920s auto shop.
Grove-Sammons House, built c. 1830-1840. Federal period log dogtrot building with Victorian renovations. Located on the south side of Cherry Tree Rd. in New Hope, Alabama.