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  • img_00967.pdf

    Back: Travel Florida Fast Route. Plan to Stop at Monte Plaza Motel.
  • img_00969.pdf

    Back: CHARRON MOTEL, 1 1/2 Miles North of City on Memorial Parkway (U. S. 72 - 231 - 431 By Pass) Telephone 534-2481, Huntsville, Alabama. 43 Rooms - Tile Baths - Carpeted - T.V. - Air-Conditioned - Room Phones, Radios - Swimming & Wading Pools. Morrison Restaurant on Premises. Janette & Herschel Watson, Owners
  • img_00971.pdf

    Back: CHARRON MOTEL, 1 1/2 Miles North of City on Memorial Parkway (U. S. 72 - 231 - 431 By Pass) Telephone 534-2481, Huntsville, Alabama. 43 Rooms - Tile Baths - Carpeted - T.V. - Air-Conditioned - Room Phones, Radios - Swimming & Wading Pools. Restaurant on Premises. Janette & Herschel Watson, Owners
  • img_00973.pdf

    Back: Memorial Parkway, HUNTSVILLE. ALA. Attractive Motel 1 1/2 miles North of City on Highway 231. 21 rooms with Tub and Showers, Tile bath, Carpets, Telephones. Large Lobby with Television. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brewer, Owners and Manager. Phone JE 2-2481 or LD 32.
  • img_00975.pdf

    Back: CHARRON MOTEL 1 1/2 miles North of City on Highway 231 - Huntsville, Ala.
    33 Rooms with Tub and Showers, Tile Bath, Carpets, Telephones. Large Lobby with Television. Private Swimming Pool.
    Air-Conditioned Restaurant, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brewer, Owners and Manager. Phone JEfferson 2-2481
  • img_00977.pdf

    Back: Her-Mar Motel, Memorial Parkway on U.S. Highway 231 North, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA, Phone JEfferson 4-4898
    New, Modern, Air Conditioned. Electric Heat, Tile Baths, Wall to Wall Carpet - Restaurant nearby, Reasonable Rates.
    Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Troupe - Owners and Managers
  • img_00979.pdf

    Back: Charron Motel, 1 1/2 Miles North of City on Memorial Parkway on U. S. Highway 72, 231 and 431 North - Phone Jefferson 2-2481 - Huntsville, Alabama. 33 Rooms with Tub & Showers, Tile Bath, Carpets, Telephones. Large Lobby with Television. Private Swimming Pool - Air-Conditioned Restaurant.
    Mr. C. E. Warden and Mr. C. M. Brewer, Owner and Manager.
  • img_00981.pdf

    Front: Gladys Jane Motel - 1302 Posey Ave. N. W. - JE 9-1462 - Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00983.pdf

    Back: "Enjoy The Best", Jefferson 6-6661, SANDS MOTOR HOTEL, U. S. 231 South Memorial Parkway, Huntsville, Alabama, Home of REDSTONE ARSENAL, MISSLE CENTER OF THE WORLD. Excellent Cafeteria in Shopping Center across street. T. V. in Rooms - Telephones - Room controlled central heat & Air Conditioned - Private Swimming Pool. Restaurant Adjacent. Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Shockley - Mr. & Mrs. Roy Jacks, Owners and Managers
  • img_00985.pdf

    Back: Holiday Inn, SPACE CENTER, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA, Jordan Lane at University Avenue, Huntsville, Alabama 35805, Phone 205/837-7171
    Captain's Table Resturant - Cockpit Lounge, Air Conditioned, Free Color TV - Swimming Pool, Free Holidex Reservations