Back: PARKWAY SHOPPING CENTER, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA One of the South's most modern shopping conveniences, featuring 35 stores and parking for 2,200 cars. Seen prominently in this picture is the G. C. Murphy Store, one of the newest and largest in the South. Also seen is H & H Walgreen, a completely modern self-service drug store.
Back: CLEMENT CLAY BRIDGE located twelve miles south of Huntsville, Alabama. Across the Tennessee River. It is the scene of old Ditto landing where material was unloaded for many ante-bellum homes.
Back: NATURE TRAIL, Atop Green Mountain Near Huntsville, Alabama Tourists find this Wildcat Still interesting and informative. A.B.C. supervised construction, complete and typical of many Family Factories operating locally. Tourism rates Alabama's third largest industry. Top two are probably Bootlegging and Federally cosponsored Urban Renewal (Downtown Demolition), depending on local election results.