The program dedicates three new Huntsville schools, each named for a member of the Apollo crew that died in the pad fire of February 21, 1967. This program was included in one of two scrapbooks that Christel and George McCanless made for UAH history professor Frances Roberts in 1969.
This contract outlines the purchase and installation of automatic sprinklers for the sum of $1,674.00. The contract outlines the agreement of how the Huntsville Ware-House Co. will pay after the installation and the promises made by Hutchens & Murdock of products and techniques used. These scans include the handwritten notes on the backs of each page.
The pamphlet includes biographical information on the three Apollo 11 astronauts as well as Wernher von Braun, then director of Marshall Space Flight Center. The back of the pamphlet congratulates the NASA and aerospace employees in Huntsville "who have made this historic achievement possible."
Speakers included James Record, Frances Roberts, and Huntsville Mayor Joe Davis, with an invocation by Rev. Donald L. Bailey and a benediction by Rev. Lee Hudson. The program includes a map of Constitution Hall Park.