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  • img_00485.pdf

    Front: Twickenham Hotel, Huntsville, Alabama. Strictly Fireproof. Remodeled Throughout. INGRAM & CUNNINGHAM, Lessees, JACK CULLENS, Manager.
    Back: Twickenham Hotel. Strictly Fireproof. Huntsville, Alabama.
  • img_00487.pdf

    Front: Hotel Twickenham, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00489.pdf

    Back: TWICKENHAM HOTEL, Huntsville, Ala., Heart of Rocket City.
    Excellent accommodations - Reasonable rates. Parking Lot. Sample Rooms. Air Conditioning. Family rates. Catering primarily to commercial trade. Tel. Jefferson 2-2461 - TWX-548. Quincy B. Love, Mgr.
  • img_00493.pdf

    Located on U. S. Highways 72 and 241, in the Heart of Downtown Huntsville.
    80 Rooms - Modern, Steel Equipped, Fireproof, Coffee Shop, Free Parking.
  • img_00495.pdf

    Front: "The Grove," Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00497.pdf

    Front: "The Grove," Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00499.pdf

    Front: The Daily Times Building, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00501.pdf

    Front: The Daily Times Building, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00503.pdf

    Front: Federal Square, Huntsville, Ala.
  • img_00505.pdf

    Front: Government Building, Huntsville, Ala.