Front: Courthouse, Huntsville, Alabama Back: COURTHOUSE. HUNTSVILLE, ALA. This building is a landmark and has been cited as being one of historic and architectural interest. It is beautifully maintained in lawns and flowers the year 'round.
Back: COURTHOUSE, Huntsville, Alabama. The building has been cited by the Historic American Buildings Survey Committee as "possessing exceptional historic or architectural interest and as being worthy of most careful preservation for the benefit of future generations." The lawns are beautifully maintained. At one time deer and peacocks were kept on the ground.
Back: MADISON COUNTY COURTHOUSE, Huntsville, Alabama, "Space City,USA" The new multi-million dollar building gives the county government more room to serve the people of Madison County.
Back: THE BIG SPRING, Huntsville, Alabama. Located near the center of town, this spring furnished all the city's water supply from its earliest days until recent years. It formed the nucleus for the South's first - and the nation's second - public waterworks system. Now world famous.
Back: MADISON COUNTY COURTHOUSE, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA. The new multi-million dollar County Court House in downtown Huntsville "Space City, USA" serves the people of Madison County.
Back: HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA A scene in Big Springs Park looking toward the new Madison County Courthouse, City Municipal Buildings ond the Bell Telephone Building.