S. D. Brewster writes to Oscar Goldsmith in response to a previous letter in which Goldsmith sent earning statements for the Dallas Mnfg. Co. He details how the profit was lower than he had hoped and wish the treasurer, Mr. Rison, who had been sick and just returned from Minnesota, well.
Hodges writes to Hutchens, his cousin, requesting help as they have hit hard times as a drought wiped out his crops, and he has no money to buy groceries or clothes. Brittain then writes to Hutchens on behalf of Hodges almost two months later requesting Hutchens' help. Brittain writes again in June thanking Hutchens for the package he send Hodges. The final letter is Hodges writing to Hutchens thanking him for the package and detailing his crops success and failure.
Agreement for the installation of galvanized roofing on a cotton shed occupied and rented by Gilbert Bros. from I. Schiffman and Co. at the request of Bettie Schiffman. Bettie's name appears on documents after July 1910 due to the death of her husband, Isaac.
On back: "Allan, Mary, and Morton Hutchens. Mary and their sister Maud died in childhood. Allan was the first person in Madison County to be killed in an automobile wreck. He was in his 20's."