UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (1976 total)

  • Orgstrucandmisofaeroendiv_081908151359.pdf

    This document offers a brief description of the Aerospace Environment Division including the basic mission; branches; an organizational directory; and responsibilities of the Environment Research Office, the Atmospheric Dynamics Branch, the Terrestrial Environment Branch, and the Space Environment Branch. William W. Vaughan's name is inscribed on the front page.
  • Outlofthe.pdf

    Outline of the equipment present at George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.
  • panamclipdec1964_070207161723.pdf

    A collection of articles, one of which musing about the landing on/colonization of Mars in the future.
  • partanalprog_062507170113.pdf

    Includes carbon copy of letter sent to David L. Christensen from Ernst Lange regarding the Part Analysis program.
  • spc_dann_000208.mp4

    Konrad and Ingeborg Dannenberg attend a party at George's house. There are shots of the adults at the party talking, as well as some of the young children playing in the yard. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, "17 June 67 / Party at George's / Xan & Courtney Bush back to the party w/ Mike Kroeger Paul Fischer the Howarth's etc." 1967.
  • spc_dann_000174.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg go down to vacation in Cape Canaveral, Florida. They are shown visiting the air and space museum (now called the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center), stopping at Mac's Grove fruit stand, and leaving the Tradewinds Club. June 1959.
  • Paylintespacexpe_092607134251.pdf

    Space experimentation requires an increasingly complex planning and systems engineering effort to meet the demand for highest precision and reliability of all measurements and observations. A companion paper discusses the interfaces between the scientific/technical areas of space experimentation and the instruments, subsystems and support systems within the spacecraft. This paper deals with the organization and the procedures which are needed to perform the difficult payload integration process for space experimentation. In the course of this process it is necessary to define the experiments completely, to describe all instruments in terms of engineering specifications, to investigate the commonality of equipment, to group the experiments into mission compatible payloads, to specify acceptable loads on all subsystems and astronauts (when present) and to plan for all contingencies during the flight.
  • spc_dann_000204.mp4

    First part of film shows an arrival at an airport that the Dannenbergs pick up (possibly Alma). The second part of the film shows another 3 person family arriving at a house in the country and the young boy (probably Kerry) playing in the yard. 1967.
  • Persarepobibl_111810115549.pdf

    List of unclassified reports.
  • spc_mcca_000098_web.pdf

    This is a card used to record a "Personal Pledge" of money for a university fundraiser.