A note on the back of the photo reads, "Cocktail Party for legislature at time Huntsville wanted Research Park & Institute for university." From left to right: Mrs. Foster Haley, Mrs. Milton Cummings, Wernher von Braun, Maria von Braun, Roscoe Roberts, Ryan DeGraffenried, and Milton Cummings.
This leaflet gives an overview of types of film and camera systems being used in photography and observations on Skylab, the first space station launched by the United States.
The bulletin board behind Schulze reads "Vehicle Engineering Branch." Palaoro was the head of the Vehicle Systems Engineering Branch of the Structures and Mechanics Division at Marshall Space Flight Center.
The program includes "Marshall Center Highlights" from the Center's first year, a message from director Wernher von Braun, a photograph of the Space Queen and Princesses, and a guide to the Center's buildings.
The pamphlet uses a cartoon character named "D. B. Noyes" to explain to the public "the nature and effects of the noise which Saturn makes during static firing tests."
This document is a compilation of abstracts of NASA Technical Memorandums and MSFC Internal Notes, written by personnel of the Materials Division and released during 1965.